Gather Women Manifesto
We women from across this nation.
We, who see each other dressed
in sparkling perfection
that only a King can create.
We, one for all and all for One Saviour.
We, the indwelling of God’s love
fully received and fully restored.
We, who believe each other and in each other.
We, who call forth the women
we are meant to be,
echoing our thunderous testimony,
listening to the harmony
of our diversity.
We, who gather as the one, the few, the many
We, who stand together arms locked,
hands folded,
and knees bent.
We, women who dare to be fireworks
that bring light to darkness.
We, women who hold our sister up
like hands in holy worship
We, who give her HOPE, the HOPE that is HER heritage in full bloom
We, women who will not settle
until all women RISE
Rise with a righteous strength that
goes beyond reason.
Rise with a love that is beyond fathom.
Rise with each other, for each other
and through each other.
We gather together
and together we Rise.
- Dagmar Morgan Sinclair
Author of Diamonds//Slam Poetry Champ //Speaker//Pastor//Performer