God in the Everyday Moments

by: Erin Clark


Before having kids I had nostalgic ideals of our family sitting daily by candlelight studying God’s word together. When in reality, we were consistently inconsistent with our formal time together with the Lord. I believe at the end of the day, my kids aren’t going to remember the formal bible studies I did with them, they are going to remember the everyday moments. They will remember how we talked about God and his goodness, each and every day. God’s story is woven into the tapestry of our family.

In the first few months of our daughter’s lives, I spent hours upon hours nursing. In those quiet moments, I would sing hymns and read scripture over them. When I hear them singing old hymns around the house today, it brings me to tears knowing that the powerful words of redemption sung so many years ago were etched into their hearts in these mundane moments.

When they went through seasons of nighttime fear we repeated the same scriptures each night aloud before bed, reminding them that fear is not from Christ and He has the power to conquer fear, that Satan is a liar and thief and he will try to steal their joy and keep them in darkness. 

Not long ago, I had my younger girls draw a picture of their “fear monster” and name it. I envisioned them drawing a monster resembling a character in Monsters Inc. Instead, they both drew a picture of Satan. They know the source of fear. It doesn’t frighten them; it gives them peace and hope, because they know who the hero of their story is: Jesus. 

We need to teach kids the character of Christ through life’s everyday moments. Our kids don’t need to just hear us quote scripture and ideas, they need to connect what we read in God’s word to action. 

I have many years ahead in my motherhood journey, many ups and downs to come. I will continue to fall short. I am thankful that God has given me his Spirit to help me.

Each day, I pray the fruits of the Spirit over my life and my family’s life.  Lord, give us a spirit of:

Love – Help me to love our children as you love us. You humbled yourself to die on the cross for our sins. Humble me today.

Joy – Give me joy that supersedes our circumstances and bring levity to our home.

Peace – Give me peace, knowing that you love our kids more than I do, and have a plan for their lives.

Patience – Give me the patience to be intentional with our kids. Showing grace and love, even in discipline.

Kindness – Help me to treat our family like they are valued and important.

Goodness – Give me a thankful heart to see the blessing of our children and our season. Even when circumstances aren’t good. You are good.

Faithfulness – Help me to be faithful to you God and to my family, not giving of my leftovers but my very best.

Gentleness – Help me to approach our kids with a softness that builds trust and safety.

Self-control – Help me to be slow to anger and quick to ask for forgiveness.

Thank you that you keep no record of wrongs, and each day the sun rises is a new day to love and serve my family the way you have loved me. Give me strength, especially when I’m just trying to survive the day. I pray you sustain me in those moments and give me a supernatural strength.

Remember, you are a good mom, not because you’re perfect but because you are perfect for your children. You are the mom your child needs. Go!

Erin Clark is a pastor’s wife (planted Village Church with her husband Mark in 2010, which has grown into a multi-site church across many cities in Canada), a homeschooling mom of three girls (14, 12 & 10), and all-round person of passion in everything she does!



Podcast: The Good, the Bad and the Beautiful with Erin Clark


Better Than Magic


Love on the Margins