Leading Like Spiritual Mothers and Fathers
Written by: Cathie Ostapchuk
A couple of weeks ago, I was in California for a Preaching and Teaching Workshop with Christine Caine. I had the privilege of making the two-hour drive to the conference from where I was staying with my college friend Karin Schmnidt Knutson, from my alma mater, Moody Bible Institute. I loved catching up with her, and as always, we landed one of our favourite topics: leadership. She was excited to share with me a Facebook post on leadership by her son-in-law, Benjamin Moore. When I read it I resonated immediately with the essence of how the words expressed so much of what Gather Women represents when carrying out the work of raising women leaders in this nation. It’s true, we live in a celebrity culture – where Christian leaders have larger platforms than any time in history, made possible by technology. We celebrate those that have sacrificed and have been trailblazers to share the gospel with the many. At the same time, I am reminded of words from Ellen Graf-Martin, one of the co-founders of Gather Women, that we should think of the way we connect with each other in terms of nurturing each other, much like a mother hen nurtures her chicks.
I wanted to post Benjamin’s words here for you to read. I get excited when I think about the opportunities Gather Women creates for women to share their words, their gift of teaching and preaching, and their stories on the Gather platform.
A true mother and father will give up opportunities to be magnified by bringing those around them up on the platform as well.
Gather Women calls itself a movement, not an institution. I love the idea that we are also building a family. That is why the following resonates so much with what we are building:
The world needs less "leaders', we need more mothers and fathers. The world will not come to a religious institution, but they will come to a family.
Which of Benjamin’s words resonate with you? We’d love to hear from you. Here is his post.
Leaders want the platform and the influence, but mothers and fathers want to empower and grow.
Many "leaders' want the microphone and to be in charge up front, but few want to raise up those around them to be better and go father than themselves.
You are a true mother/father when you can joyfully celebrate and empower those around you to be better and go farther.
A true mother and father will give up their "stage", their platform, to those around them so that they might grow and be empowered.
A true mother and father will give up opportunities to be magnified by bringing those around them up on the platform as well.
A true father/mother always tries to see what they can give, not what they can get.
The world needs less "leaders', we need more mothers and fathers. The world will not come to a religious institution, but they will come to a family!
Because true revival looks like healthy families. Not a competition, a leader obsessed with control, or a community of performance and comparison.
Being a father/mother has nothing to do with your age or how long you have known the Lord, it has everything to do with your heart posture.
The very heart of Jesus was to raise up mankind as brothers with Him, not to control them (John 15:15, Hebrews 2:11).
Legacy is a big deal in the Kingdom. We should spend less time worrying about who gets the credit and more time empowering people in the harvest.
You can find Ben’s original post at https://www.facebook.com/ben.moore.94214/posts/2100886026593877?pnref=story
Benjamin Moore is Jesus Burgers Pastor/Community Pastor at Mission Isla Vista in Santa Barbara, California where he lives with his wife, Katy.