Why We Serve

by: Sandee Macgregor

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Not long ago one of my kids cleaned a bathroom and commented later that no one had even noticed. I knew she worked hard and told her I could relate! Promptly reminding our kids God sees and knows our actions is a valuable lesson; often one we need to speak to ourselves. We are not always acknowledged for what we do. Many times, the daily work of a mom is unknown. Loading, unloading, preparing, folding and putting away. It is easy to become discouraged.

I love in Hebrews 6 we are told that He will not forget what we do, “God is not unjust; he will not forget your work and the love you have shown him as you have helped his people and continue to help them (v.10). This is a beautiful promise for weary moms. God hears our numerous wordless prayers and knows our deepest hopes. We serve our family because He came to serve, 

“Just as the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many” (Matt 20:28 NIV).

It’s in the unseen places of motherhood God’s purposes and plans are revealed. Through unnoticed service or forgotten sacrifice God whispers the promise, “Never will I leave you; never will I forsake you” (Hebrews 13:5).  With this promise impressed upon our heart, whatever stage we are currently in, we can find rest in our God-given role as a mom. Actively living and believing He will never leave us acts as a fragrant offering to our heavenly Father!

Recently, in the stillness of the night, the song by Bill and Gloria Gaither, Because He Lives came to mind. I knew there was a purpose to this moment and woke the next day singing it around my home. The song surrounded me and lifted my spirits, soothing pending worry of the state of our world and the effects on my family. They wrote this beautiful song 50 years ago just before their third baby was due. Based on John 14:19, the words in the song express that although in uncertain times, we can face tomorrow because He lives, “Before long, the world will not see me anymore, but you will see me. Because I live, you also will live.”

The Gaithers knew that holding onto Christ was the best assurance while raising a family, and so can we. Setting our minds on things above (Colossians 3:2) even with the needs of our family pressing in around us, will guide as we lay down our needs for their sake. May the words of this song spill over into your heart and flow into your home. 

It is because He lives, we can be a mom while serving and sacrificing with love.

Remembering God carries us through the unseen moments is a truth to believe and behold, often the difference maker to our day. We can sacrifice because He sacrificed for us. If we serve and sacrifice without love we are “only a resounding gong or clanging cymbal” (1 Corinthians 13:1). Perhaps there is a time to be a ‘gong’ or ‘cymbal’ when waking a sleeping teen, however the sounds in our homes can be harmonious while surrounded in love. When we hold onto the truth we serve a living Saviour, we are able to share His love freely and fully. Leaning into the Word daily, going before God in prayer equips us to serve, sacrifice and love because He first loved us.

“We love because he first loved us” (1John 4:19).

Sandee Macgregor is the creator of Sovereign Radiance, a hope-filled place for mothers to be encouraged. Trained as a teacher, Sandee continues to teach at home while pursuing her love of writing. She is a follower of Christ, wife to Duncan for 25 years, mom to 5 kids and recently published A Mother-Daughter Devotional and Shared Journal Experience for Psalm 119 with Castle Quay Books. 



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