A Catalyst Moment

Your potential to live robust and hopeful days ahead need to be sparked by a catalyst moment.
— Cathie Ostapchuck

Raise your hand if feel like you're just going through the motions, a bit sad inside, waiting for the defining moment to arrive... that catalyst moment, when the chaotic world settles itself and comes into glorious focus, and your will-power to make plans and forge ahead with confidence suddenly finds its’ footing. That moment which inspires you to rise above "just getting by" and propels you into dedicated intentional living and consistent spiritual disciplines. The moment that takes your generally depressed self-opinions and turns them on their heels, going from "I'm so unhappy about things I can’t control” to "I can be positive and responsible for what I can control, and what I'm capable of accomplishing with God". 


Maybe you've never had that catalyst moment, or maybe you've just been in pandemic neutral for too long and you are just waiting for something to change. Maybe you’ve forgotten you were born for catalyst moments, and have resigned yourself to just going through the daily motions without thinking. 


Your potential to live robust and hopeful days ahead needs to be sparked by a catalyst moment. 


This is a moment where you pick yourself up and fling yourself into a world that you could never have dreamed could be your reality. This is a moment when you decide, once and for all, to flourish and believe that “…your fears for today nor your worries about tomorrow – not even the powers of hell can separate you from God’s love. No power in the sky above or in the earth below – indeed, nothing in all creation will ever be able to separate us from the love of God that is revealed in Christ Jesus our Lord.” (Romans 8:38b-39)

Now, raise your hand if you feel like you’re waiting for that moment. 


Right now we are all living a paradox. Life is busy, and life wears you down. But busy in a different way that has produced so much more stress than the old busy did. 


Uncertainty causes more fatigue than over-functioning ever did.


Life takes you by the hand and simply drags you along for the ride sometimes... and I mean literally drags you around. It doesn't do so to be mean, it doesn't do it out of spite for you, it simply is the by-product of living your life without any sense of meaning.  And a covid reality stretched out over months can produce a sadness that limits your ability to think long-term.

A catalyst moment is what you should start leaning into because it will burst through the seemingly impenetrable layer of apathy you may have experienced the past year.


You have access to a hot ball of unstoppable will-power if you will allow it to force it's way to the surface. That is the power of the Spirit of God in you, who is always moving you forward. 


“But with eager hope, the creation looks forward to the day when it will join God’s children in glorious freedom from death and decay.” (Romans 8:21)


You stand on the edge of a new season. A new and unique season, where in the past children went back to school and churches launched their ministry year. If so much of that certainty is in the past, what can you lean into that will inspire and motivate you to grow and take new risks even in the midst of uncertainty? Where can you begin to dream?


Maybe this new season is opening a door to deep change and allowing yourself to be surprised by what God may have planned that doesn’t depend on regular schedules and even meeting up in large communities.


Will you choose to partner with God in the catalytic moments of rebirth, surprise, reordering and reshaping all that has been in your life into something better?


Even a pandemic cannot stop the ongoing work of God to grow you to your fullest potential. Actually maybe a pandemic is the exact circumstance God is using to grow you to your fullest potential. Maybe the biggest changes will be what is being transformed inside of you, not outside of you. 


Your full potential cannot be achieved without your character and identity being forged in fire.


Let yourself be defined and matured by living confidently in precarious times. Go to Scripture to receive the truth that God loves to spark change and that He is calling you to a catalyst moment just around the corner. Open your eyes to what is possible, rather than what you have lost. “What we suffer now is nothing compared to the glory He will reveal to us later.” (Romans 8:18) 


That is a catalyst moment worth waiting for!  I believe in you!




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