Motivation Monday - A Genesis Yes

We have come out of a time of darkness, chaos and uncertainty. We have either moved closer in proximity to God or moved away, thinking that what we have received or can ever expect won’t be enough.
— Cathie Ostapchuk

I feel like 2023 just launched yet here we are, on the threshold of a new month in this new year. All my prayers that God will do a new thing continue to beat in my heart. All my fears that nothing will ever change continue to threaten to overwhelm me. I wrestle with faith and with fear and only by God’s grace sleep, knowing that because the Lord is my Shepherd, I will lack for nothing, and have nothing to fear. 

In just a few days, on February 4, we as a Canadian sisterhood will be gathering in Calgary to worship, pray, receive, reflect and fix our hearts on the God who created us. We will offer Him our faith and our fear and ask Him to shore us up in our inner being so we can remain. We will offer back to God our hopes, our dreams, our desires, our fractured and traumatized selves and humbly ask Him to put us back together. We have borne witness to unfathomable change in the world. Some of us have risen above the fray. Others of us find ourselves still drowning in seas of unanswered prayers and unmet expectations. Some of us have stayed. Some of us have distanced ourselves from His presence and each other, believing that the safest place to be is alone.

I often wonder how we would be in this moment, if the stunning Genesis story of creation and hope for all mankind had not crashed into the ugly truth that humanity found themselves wanting for more than God had provided. They had His full presence and yet focused on what they could not have.

We have come out of a time of darkness, chaos and uncertainty. We have either moved closer in proximity to God or moved away, thinking that what we have received or can ever expect won’t be enough.

At Gather Rise, GENESIS, we will be declaring the truth that what God has created and how He has come to live in our world is enough and will always be enough. He is always moving closer to us and creating genesis moments of revelation – of His character, of His love, of His purposes. We just need to move closer to God in response. We have the opportunity now to do so.

Would you pray with me in anticipation that God would illuminate in fresh ways His presence with us, as daughters created in His image, so that we would be filled to over-flowing, lacking nothing? Would you pray with me that we would be strong and holy women leaving markers for generations?

God, make a fresh start in me,
    shape a Genesis week from the chaos of my life.”

ILLUMINATE anew the ground I stand on, the purpose you created me for, the beauty you are calling out of chaos, out of the ashes. Reawaken me to all that is new, on this holy ground. In this holy moment. Forge my identity, reborn, in the new of this moment, of the new with You.

God, make a fresh start in me,
    shape a Genesis week from the chaos of my life.”

I’ve been lost and broken without you. I am fragmented and need you to put me back together. To put the world back together. Make me whole. Make me new. Forge my IDENTITY, reborn, in the sacred new of this moment. In the sacred new of rebirth, regeneration. My life securely tethered to yours. For eternity.

God, make a fresh start in me,
    shape a Genesis week from the chaos of my life.”

The waves threatened to overwhelm me. But they didn’t. The fire threatened to scorch me. But it didn’t. You propel me up through the waves of doubt. You walk me through the fire of shame. Make me dance on the waves, embracing a resurgence of call. A resurgence of purpose. A resurgence of destiny. May I use my INFLUENCE to make your name great.

God, make a fresh start in me,
    shape a Genesis week from the chaos of my life.”

Call my dry bones to life. Breathe Holy Spirit life into my soul. Call me up. Call me out. May I rise again. Rise to purpose. Rise to life. Rise to find my rest in you. How will I live without your breath in my lungs? I know that My Redeemer lives. I will sing the anthem of Resurrection until I see you face to face. I rise to make your name known and your glory great. I will IMPACT generations. I commit to stay, flourishing, as part of the church, in all Her glory.

It is our prayer that you will find a way to come and gather with us in Calgary at Gather Rise February 4. It won’t be the same without you!

Is it easier not to make the effort to gather women in God’s presence? Of course. But we raise our hands and declare YES! We will gather – strong and holy women gathering to leave a marker for future generations.

If it means many more women will find Christ, …YES!
If it means many more women will walk out free…YES!

If it means many more women will be healed…YES!

If it means many more women will find sisterhood…YES!
If it means many more women will break out in joy…YES!

If it means many more women will be strengthened…YES!
If it means God will be glorified and His name lifted high…YES!

May God place a genesis YES! on your lips. And may He make a fresh start in you – and shape a genesis week from the chaos of your life.

I believe in you!


Motivation Monday - Why You Need To Keep Your Flame Lit


Motivation Monday - Why It’s Time to Recenter and Rest Your Soul