Motivation Monday – A Prayer To Believe

Here is my prayer for you as you enter a new season of uncertainty, that you would BELIEVE IN HIM – and be filled with joy and confidence because God in His sovereignty is unchanging.
— Cathie Ostapchuk

We believe it is time to gather again.

Gather is preparing to welcome you live in person, or virtually, to Gather Rise, November 6, in Calgary. We will be obeying ALL of the covid protocols in place, down to the letter of the law.

It takes a lot of faith to believe that we can move forward in the face of a world spinning out of control and a world ripe with division and opposing opinions on just about everything. But we do. BELIEVE. 

What is it you need to believe today? 

Here is my prayer for you as you enter a new season of uncertainty, that you would BELIEVE IN HIM – and be filled with joy and confidence because God in His sovereignty is unchanging.

We believe, God, that you will raise us, as half your church, in this season, to be women who are transformed to think like you and act like you. Help us remember your first brave act was to choose to place us in the garden you created, giving us the freedom to love you. Or not. Thank you for risking everything by sending Jesus and boldly letting us place him in our garden, where he chose to give His life for our eternal salvation.

We believe that you have orchestrated divine appointments with people you have placed in our path who have challenged us. We believe you give us the courage to walk away from who or what is not your will for us. 

We believe that you have created us as females, brave enough to find out, through the power and grace of the Holy Spirit, what our unique path should be, as it is revealed through Scripture and the Holy Spirit.

We believe that you give us grace daily and guide us to focus not on what is seen and impossible, but what we can only dream of and is made possible only in Jesus’ name.

We believe that you never ask us to do anything you have not already modelled for us, or go anywhere you have not already gone yourself. We believe you make us brave enough to follow you in obedience whether life or death awaits us around the turn.

We believe the authority of your voice can drown the loud, insistent voice that seeks to silence our feeble yes. We believe you will heal us so in our brokenness, so the unexpected anthem of our rising voices would only point to you.

We believe that you can raise us into women who don’t need all our questions answered before we step into our brave moments. We pray we would not be paralyzed by the inaction or uncertainty of our current season but line your truth up beside the uncertainty and feel the tension that keeps our faith taut.

We believe that the courage that calls for action can only come from you. May the brave yes of women across our nation open the portals into the significant call of influencing generations coming behind us.

We believe that you alone can stir us to boldly speak truth to power, equity to injustice, strength to weakness and beauty to brokenness, all in the name and the power of Jesus Christ.

We believe that it is Jesus’ name and His name only that gives us access to your throne of grace, where we find healing, purpose, joy and our eternal destiny. We believe we have been given more than we need, for now, for all the days to come.

Though you have not seen him, you love him; and even though you do not see him now, you believe in him and are filled with an inexpressible and glorious joy.” I Peter 1:9

I believe in you!



Motivation Monday – What To Believe When You Are Shipwrecked


Motivation Monday – How To Approach A New Season