Why You Need To Hold Your Position

Let the light of God shine in the darkness, through your flame. Let it be a beacon of hope for those in the nation who need to see that God is not only around, but in you. Not only in this new, new normal, but for all that will come next.
— Cathie Ostapchuk
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Last week the Gather Board of Directors met for its’ annual strategic retreat to set a direction for the year ahead. One year ago, as we met, we felt the leading of God to digitalize our conferences and offer more online connecting, equipping and mobilizing opportunities.  And we had the energy for it. We had no idea that we would be leaving what we knew behind and entering a new normal!

Fast forward to one year later, to our new, new normal. We are discerning a different obedience. We are discerning, as a movement, a call to hold our position and light a steady, unwavering candle flame, as the wind of a world full of storm warnings and catastrophic forecasts blows all around. 

Our Board Chair, Kim Blackaby, described the Gather movement as a flame that we are to keep lit, a kindled and tended fire that needs to keep burning, so others across the nation can see it and be encouraged to stay the course. The Gather movement was actually launched five years ago with a similar image of kindled lights burning across the nation so we could see each others’ flames burning bright. 

While the new normal of last year brought with it a sense of initial optimism and adventure for what seemed like a short walk, the new, new normal of now, brings a sense of malaise and weariness. The short walk has turned into a pilgrimage that none of us were prepared to embark on.

Malaise is a generally not feeling well and can be associated with depression and fatigue. Depression is defined as feeling blue, miserable or sad. Fatigue is characterized by a lack of energy and feeling tired. Experiencing mild fatigue is normal. However, long-term depression, and chronic fatigue can be characterized as malaise and may indicate more serious emotional or psychological problems.

Are you feeling it? I certainly am. And any external circumstance, such as grieving significant loss, or the inability to gather with family or friends, adds to the trauma many of us are experiencing.  God sees it and may not be asking for more from you because He already knows you are carrying so much.

It is in these moments that God does His best work. Kim reminded us that: 

Limited resources do not limit God, they reveal God.

Maybe what God is asking of you is not more of anything. 

Maybe He’s asking you to simply hold your position.

Keep your flame lit. While you are standing, you are also to raise your hand in a worthy protest of all that is happening around you that perpetuates injustice and inequity, and unrighteousness. While you are standing, you can still declare your allegiance to a King that is and will always be sovereign over the universe He Himself created. 

Daughters of this nation, we are with you. As we boldly hold our position this year, we encourage you to hold yours. As we raise our hands for the value of the female voice in kingdom conversations and in equal strength in every sphere of influence including the church, we encourage you to raise yours. And when you don’t have the strength to raise your hand, let us carry you. 

None of asked for this normal, but here it is here and so is God. Now is when we have an opportunity to witness His revelation to us that He is not only warrior that fights for us, He is also the Good Shepherd that carries us when we are too weary to move forward in our own strength.

You cannot be weak when you rely on a God who makes you strong. 

But you can be weary.

Psalm 62:5-8
Let all that I am wait quietly before God, for my hope is in him. He alone is my rock and my salvation, my fortress where I will not be shaken. My victory and honour come from God alone. He is my refuge, a rock where no enemy can reach me. O my people, trust in him at all times, Pour out your heart to him, for God is our refuge.” 

This is a year to hold your position. And for those who are around you that may be falling, or in danger of burning out, you can be a crucible that holds the space for them, and a light that keeps their flickering flames aglow.

Let the light of God shine in the darkness, through your flame. Let it be a beacon of hope for those in the nation who need to see that God is not only around, but in you. Not only in this new, new normal, but for all that will come next.

I believe in you.




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