Keep Your Eyes Wide Open

Pay attention to what God is doing in you! It’s stunning!
— Cathie Ostapchuck

This past weekend multiple deadlines converged. In a moment of clarity I realized that something had to give. At the same time, Canada was showing off as glorious fall colours burst into the landscape that just could not be ignored. 

 I had a choice to make. I could focus on the ways that I was falling short, and keep my eyes down and shut to the beauty around me. Or I could adjust my expectations and workflow, and choose to take time to see the autumn shades beckoning me to revel in the promise of a new season.

What do you see when you look at your life? What do you see when you look around you? Are you focusing on all the ways that you are failing, falling short, or feeling anxiety over things you can’t control? Control and make adjustments where and when you can. It could be tweaking a deadline, or doing all you can do and releasing the rest until the next day. 

Here’s what’s true.

  • When you don’t  meet your own expectations, God sees you doing your best.

  •  When  you can’t make plans for a future that holds no certainty, God knows nothing will  thwart His eternal purpose for you. 

  • He is not at all concerned you won’t step into it at the right time.

  •  When you focus on trying to be someone you’re not to meet others’ expectations, God is delighted that you are becoming all He created you to be. 

  • He is using just these moments to transform you.

I almost missed God showing off this weekend. Pay attention. The stunning show of the colours of a new season are unfolding right before your eyes. You too are being transformed yet the brilliance of your transformation may be hidden from you right now. At the right time, God will make a way for you into the next season because no one season lasts forever. Pay attention to what God is doing in you! It’s stunning!

And in the meantime, keep your eyes wide open. God is giving you a front row seat to the supernatural transformation of creation as His love language to you. You are so precious to God. Your surrender to His plan and purpose for you is a breathtaking display of His glory!

I believe in you!



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