Why You Were Made for Mondays

Let your motivation on Monday, and every other day of the week, be to believe that He created you to flourish, do great work and serve the world with what He has placed inside of you, even if you can’t see it now.
— Cathie Ostapchuk
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Someone once said: “May your coffee be strong, and your Mondays be short.” I disagree. Not with the strong coffee (yes please), but with trying to shorten or rush through your Mondays, or pretend that they are not happening at all.  

In fact, I believe you were made for Mondays. It is the beginning of March and a brand new month brings with it brand new opportunities for each day of the week, including Mondays. 

I have often found myself at the end of my Sundays, which I covet as my sacred weekly Sabbath, wishing I had another day before Monday rises in front of me, and with it, a week of expectations to show up and do all the things. I struggled with letting this faulty negative thinking take up space in my brain without paying rent. I finally had to wrestle my fear of Mondays, along with the belief that it was meant to be tolerated, not fully lived, to the ground.

I learned that most of the time, (I am human, after all), when I offered my Mondays and a new week to God, the Holy Spirit elevated my perspective and switched on a new light of anticipation toward not only this six-letter word day, but a brand new week. 

It’s not the Monday itself that carries the fear of failing that a new week can bring, but my soul that cradles the self-doubt of wondering whether I could meet the demands ahead of me.

My Monday despair was fuelled because I measured my success in terms of productivity and the need to achieve to feel valued. Rather, by reclaiming my identity as a child of God and understanding in a fresh revelation, that who I am (being) is and will always be what defines me, over and above any output (doing), gave my Mondays new life.

You have inherent value because you are God’s creation. That is true every day of the week.

You were never meant to carry a functional identity on Monday or any other day.

If you could never write another note, do another load of laundry, broker another big deal or declare another word of inspiration, you would still be just as deeply and intimately loved and accepted by God.

Monday offers a new opportunity to step into your Christ-identity and step out into the world with a genuine, heartfelt expression of presence, over productivity or perfection.

If you make a decision to be more true on your Mondays, I wonder if your eyes will be more attentive to the miracles waiting at the beginning, at the end, and in the middle of them.

Here is inspirational truth from Colossians 3:1-2, The Message:
So if you’re serious about living this new resurrection life with Christ, act like it. Pursue the things over which Christ presides. Don’t shuffle along, eyes to the ground, absorbed with the things right in front of you. Look up, and be alert to what is going on around Christ—that’s where the action is. See things from his perspective.

We can be so absorbed in dreading our Mondays that we can lose sight of the gift a new week can bring.

A gift to me on my Mondays is the opportunity to gather virtually with the amazing Gather Women Exec Team and interns from across our nation. I can’t wait to check in with them, to see them rise in their giftings, to dream and strategize together how Gather will hold its position and move forward in our vision in the months and years ahead.  I trust that the Spirit is doing such a transforming work in reclaiming my faulty belief system that even without the joy of Monday meetings with this incredible team, I would still rise with joy to every Monday.

Maybe you can switch something from your Friday to your Monday and set the stage for it being the best day of your week! Go get that latte or flat white (my fave, normally set aside for Fridays), take that bath, schedule the girl time, or start a word study on ‘identity’ and see where Scripture takes you every Monday.

Every day is sacred in your journey with Christ. Make Monday an offering to God and ask the Holy Spirit to make it one of the best days of your week. Watch what happens. 

You were made for Mondays!

I believe in you.




A Monday To Challenge Inequity


When You're Stuck On A Monday