Motivation Monday - Pitfalls To Leading With Purpose

The enemy is the enemy. He will always be the enemy. That is not going to change this side of glory. So don’t cooperate with His plan to undermine your worth.
— Cathie Ostapchuk

You’ve heard it so many times. The question we all ask, over coffee, in zoom calls, as we text each other: ‘what is my purpose?’  We have asked that question here and tried to provide some context in beginning to answer it.

But if there is anyone standing in the way of you trying to find your purpose, it just might be you. Yes, there is opposition to your voice, and your purpose that comes externally. Your context, your confidence, your culture…all these things may be set against you living confidently with purpose. 

But nothing has the power to take you off course in pursuit of your purpose

than the narrative that takes place in your own head.

The pitfalls that emanate from within can only be dealt with 

by reclaiming your identity as a child of God.

Here are three pitfalls that may be keeping you from moving forward in your on purpose, on mission life.

Pitfall #1:  Trying to Predict Your Own Success
You fall into the trap of judging your on-purpose leadership by the number of success and failures. Success is often too hard to measure. 

Gather Women, recently hosted a gathering for female leaders and conference for women from across our nation. In a post-pandemic world, we were asking if the numbers would be there to support the risk of the conference. Our temptation was to assess our success or failure based on numbers. But who can measure the impact – the influence – of one woman coming into that atmosphere and leaving empowered to go influence her world for Jesus Christ? We can’t always predict what success will look like. In kingdom economy, only God can. 

Pitfall #2: Trying to Prove Yourself
When you receive an invitation to step into a leadership space, the invitation is what establishes your credibility.  Settle that right there and then. Your ‘yes’ is a vote for you to do all you can to prepare, and position yourself humbly for the leadership experience, whether it is at a decision making table, delivering a platform message, or coming to the aid of someone in need.

You have nothing to prove, nothing to lose. 

Walk in your authority into the door God has opened for you.

Pitfall #3: Taking It Personally When Your Leadership is Championed by Others
Recognize your areas of insecurities, weaknesses and growth, and guard your heart when someone in your environment expresses opposition, overt or subtle, to your leadership.

I experienced this recently as part of a church launch in my city.  A female pastor was told by someone serving on her volunteer team that she was too domineering and as a female, she shouldn’t be leading anyway. 

The enemy is the enemy. He will always be the enemy. That is not going to change this side of glory. So don’t cooperate with His plan to undermine your worth. Don’t cooperate with His plan to be offended when you don’t get the response you think you deserve. Jesus didn’t. He guarded His identity and He spoke with authority that came from His identity as God’s son. 

Pitfall #4: Not Processing Your Leadership Self-Talk in God’s Presence
Are you caught up in the narrative in your head?

It’s so important to filter your own narrative, otherwise that will be your lid.

Your lid is not what others think about you.

Your lid is not the number of opportunities you have in your context to lead.

Your lid, your glass ceiling, comes from the thoughts in your own head, 

and your lid is often of your own making.

Take time to process your thoughts in the presence of God to allow the Holy Spirit to bring His wisdom to the conversation. This may include surrendering your thought life and asking God to renew your mind. 

Avoiding pitfalls that are largely of your own making will result in your purposeful leadership impact hitting the mark. 

I want to repeat this truth here, so you understand the times we are living in and would not be tempted to quit or take yourself out of the game. Your yes is vital.

Every time there has been a spiritual awakening, women are called up into ministry and spiritual leadership. It’s one of the signs of revival.

I believe that women with clear purpose, forged from a clear sense of knowing who you are, where you came from and where you’re going, 

will be the ones rising to lead in this cultural moment.

Don’t get distracted or discouraged by the pitfalls that you can avoid by making strong choices.

I believe in you,



Motivation Monday - Why It's Time To Face Your Giants


Motivation Monday - Why There is a Genesis Promise to Your Purpose