Motivation Monday – Say It, Scream It, Shout It

You need to believe that your words are not to be silenced by you or anyone else, but cradled, nurtured, developed and delivered to a waiting world.
— Cathie Ostapchuk
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For the past few days, my house has been filled with the voices of my grandsons who have been visiting me from Winnipeg and Burlington last week. They are ages four, three and two. 

Four year old Archer is going to be a rock star as music and wild creativity is his jam. Jake Atlas, who is three, is pursuing becoming the leader of the free world most likely as his strategic thinking and leadership vibe is already evident. And two year old Hendrix is going to lead by sheer muscle as he believes that there is nothing is too hard or heavy for him to push, throw or move. 

How they each express themselves is unique, but there are some things that they all have in common. 

They don’t believe there is opposition to their voices, just full acceptance.

They speak up, saying it, screaming it, and shouting it, when they want to express themselves, expecting a fully engaged response. 

They are clear on what they are asking. 

They know their audience and how to win them over (grandparents!).

They are not fearful that their voices are too loud, not enough, or less than.

I have learned to so much from watching and hearing them. They believe fully, in their innocence, that we will always respond when they say it, shout it and even scream it! 

You need to believe that although there has been, is, and may always be, opposition to your voice, you can check in with the God who gave it to you about its value, before you listen to your inner critic. Maybe you need to become a child again.

  • You may need to develop your confidence to speak up and express yourself, expecting that there are those that want to hear what you have to say and respond to you.

  • You need to be clear on what you are asking.

  • You don’t need to be fearful that your voice is too loud, not enough, or less than anyone else’s.

We are anticipating a powerful second immersive in our Gather Voices Cohort today. We have twenty-one powerful female voices who are on a journey to believe their voices are wild and free. Not only do they have something to say, they are doing the work to develop their craft, and remove the obstacles so their messages can be heard. 

If you are like every one of these girls, including me, you have probably some type of opposition to your voices. For some of you, it only took you off track. For others, the opposition stopped you in your tracks, and you have been wondering where your voice got lost.

You need the same fire in your bones as children, who are wild and free, do.

You need to believe that your words carry the ability to bring life and evoke a response.

You need to believe that your words are not to be silenced by you or anyone else, but cradled, nurtured, developed and delivered to a waiting world.

What you believe about your value matters. These little guys believe they are loved unconditionally. Do you? 

Maybe it’s time to believe that your voice could be wild and free and that your life has a story to tell. Maybe it’s time to start speaking up. Maybe it’s time to be believe that your message is too important to ignore it, or hide it. Maybe it’s time, like my little guys, to say it, scream it and shout it! If it is a message worth hearing, you must believe in it first. 

I believe in you!



Motivation Monday – How To Approach A New Season


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