Motivation Monday - "LIVE LIKE JESUS” Summer Series Speak Truth as Jesus Did

Speak the truth as Jesus Did
2nd in a Summer Series - LIVE “LIKE” Jesus

This week – we are exploring how to live the truth of our identity and speak truth to others as Jesus did.
— Cathie Ostapchuk

This summer at Gather we are exploring what it really means to Live Like Jesus. Last week we talked about loving like Jesus – being so secure in His love for us that we could offer love to others out of that overflow.

This week – we are exploring how to live the truth of our identity and speak truth to others as Jesus did.

Think back to the teenage game of “Truth or Dare.” Sometimes wasn’t it just easier to pick dare? It was easier to preserve your fragile heart from being exposed to what you could only assume would be judgments or jeers if you revealed the truth.

John Eldredge in The Sacred Romance says this:

We come into the world with a longing to be known and a deep-seated fear that we aren’t what we should be. We are set up for a crisis of identity. When we live with so little love we will grasp onto what we do receive in a way that becomes defining. These moments may not reveal our true identity but they’re all we’ve got. We draw our identity from our impact on others. Once we find something that will bring us some attention, we have to keep it going or risk the loss of attention... so we develop a functional self-image.”

How do you grasp on to what you receive from others as a basis for your identity?

Speaking truth to others means speaking truth to yourself first. 

Truth comes from a secure identity and a healthy self-image. 

We cannot keep seeking others’ applause or approval.

Whether negative or positive,

 the opinions of others are no place for us to hang our identity.

Listen to what Jesus reveals for us in John 15:15

I have never called you ‘servants,’ because a master doesn’t confide in his servants, and servants don’t always understand what the master is doing. But I call you my most intimate and cherished friends, for I reveal to you everything that I’ve heard from my Father.”

Jesus always, always, tells us the truth – about Himself, His Father, and about us.

What truth from the heart of the Father do you need to re-tell yourself on a regular basis?

How would it affect your family, friends, your workplace and home life if you allowed this truth to transform the way you view yourself?

Friends, will you live in the truth of your identity in Jesus and share that with others this week?

I believe in you. God bless.



Motivation Monday - "LIVE LIKE JESUS” Summer Series: Live Like You Belong


Motivation Monday - Why You Can LOVE Like Jesus