Motivation Monday – Three Truths To Believe In A Lockdown

God tells you only what you need to know, not always what you want to know. God does not let earthly crisis disrupt His heavenly purposes. God does not run out of patience, love, or grace even in and especially in a lockdown. God will never drop you, give up on you or leave you to perish. God is with you. In the fire.
— Cathie Ostapchuk

We are in a lockdown. No sooner was Easter on the horizon, then the sun set with a stay at home order. Some of us rolled our eyes, heaved a sigh and said ‘whatever’ and went on with our business. At home. Personally, I added grocery orders to my online presence with the click of a send button.

For others of us the lockdown is devastating. We had plans. To gather. To go. To see. To experience. To be normal in little ways, if not the big ways that we took for granted. 

I believe that you will get through not only the lockdown, the stay at home orders, but the entire pandemic that is circling the globe. I believe that even if there is another crisis, and there will be, another catastrophe, and there will be, or yet another onslaught of mixed messaging from the powers that be in how this will all turn out, and there will be, you can be sure that you will come out the other side.

Because the truth that anchors you, and the Holy Spirit that tethers you every second of every minute of every day, to the truth that you belong to God,  is going to ensure your victory in every challenging circumstance.

Here’s what I know to be the truth. Not only because I have experienced this knowledge as my own truth, but because God has written these words in His word, and I believe what He says.

Here are three truths that will get you through this lockdown and every crisis after that.

  • You will walk through fire and not be burned. Isaiah 43:2b (The Voice)

“If it seems like you’re walking through fire with flames licking at your limbs, keep going; you won’t be burned.”

The point here is that you are not just standing waiting for the flame to die down before you walk through it. You are to keep walking, keep going. The flames may be real, the fire may be hot, but you have a Saviour who covers you like a protective coat of armour that keeps the heat away from your soul. He is standing in the fire WITH YOU, before He removes you safely from the heat WITH HIM.

  • You will be engulfed in heavy waters and not drown. Isaiah 43:2a:

When you face stormy seas I will be there with you with endurance and calm; you will not be engulfed in raging rivers.”
If you don’t know how to swim, He does. Float and let Him carry you safely to shore.

  • You will walk through darkness and not fear death. Psalm 23:4

“Even in the unending shadows of death’s darkness, I am not overcome by fear.
Because You are with me in those dark moments, near with Your protection and guidance, I am comforted

We fear in the dark simply because we cannot see. But if we cannot see the outcome, then we do not need to see it. If we needed to see it, God would show us. But because He is the source of both light and the victory, He can be trusted to protect us and guide us and comfort us even in the shadow of death’s darkness. He is life itself and His light shines especially bright in our souls, even if our sight is dim.

It is not by chance that Gather chose “BELIEVE” as our word for 2021. 

It is more important what you believe when everything around you is in opposition to your belief, than when all you can see backs it up.

It is more important what you believe when you are in the midst of deep water, than when you are standing safely on the shore.

It is more important you believe when all around you is darkness,  than when you are distracted by seeing too much of what only brings fear.

What you believe in the dark is directly tied to how you will behave in the light.

God tells you only what you need to know, not always what you want to know. God does not let earthly crisis disrupt His heavenly purposes. God does not run out of patience, love, or grace even in and especially in a lockdown. God will never drop you, give up on you or leave you to perish. God is with you. In the fire. In the deep waters. In the dark. He is your only hope. He is both your way in the middle of it and your way out of it. Do you believe?

I believe in you.




Motivation Monday – What to Do When You Don’t Know What to Do


Motivation Monday – Easter is Over but The Tomb is Still Open