Motivation Monday - Why We Must Be Made New

Our prayer is that we would be open to not just pivoting but believing for the unimaginable, unexpected, the innovative, the stunning revelation that God wants to gloriously intrude into our lives with. He wants a space in our hearts, in our ministries, in our churches, in our relationships that He will make home. A place that is newly constructed, not just rearranged to suit our desires.  He is truly making all things new. 
— Cathie Ostapchuk

As much as I am celebrating how many times I have had to pivot over the last 3 years personally, and in ministry life with Gather, I have been increasingly aware that pivoting without transformation and innovation is simply shifting a few things around, but keeping the structure of my life the same.

I believe God does not only want to rearrange the furniture, but build a new dwelling.

A dwelling where He can move in and make His home with me.

For too long, I have been pining for what I knew. For stability. For the sure thing. Even as I look ahead, I want to know with certainty what the future will bring. I want the map, the GPS, the coordinates. I want the new to fit in with my current calendar as I have it planned carefully into the new year. I want the new to be convenient and fit in with what I already have envisioned.

God is not the God of the convenient life. 

God is not the God of the ‘I want my old life back” life.

God is not the God who will shapeshift to fit into our already carefully planned agendas.

Rather, God wants us to experience continual restarts, rebirths, redefinitions, 

and to literally be regenerated.

He is in the process of renewing our lives 

each and every moment 

of each and every day.

At Gather, we have been learning to not only pivot but ask big questions. What is happening with the women in Canada? With women globally in the church? What do we need more of? Less of? Why are they leaving the church? Why are they staying? Are they finding their stories reflected in the narrative being lived out in church and ministry communities?  

As much as we are trying to fit our lives into 

traditions and structures and institutions 

of generations behind us, 

I wonder if God is desiring walls to come down 

in order to usher in a new invitational and welcoming space 

where women and men co-labour 

to build a new flourishing kingdom community.

We are gathering in Calgary, February 4, 2023, (registration launches this week!) with women from across Canada and US to collectively pursue the ‘new’ that God is revealing for His daughters.  With eyes wide open and hearts fully surrendered, we are discerning how to create a space that can usher in a new vision, a new dream for the women of our nation and beyond. A space where we are inviting God to create genesis moments out of the chaos of our lives. God is always making a new way. 

Revelation 21:3-5:
I heard a voice thunder from the Throne: “Look! Look! God has moved into the neighborhood, making his home with men and women! They’re his people, he’s their God. He’ll wipe every tear from their eyes. Death is gone for good—tears gone, crying gone, pain gone—all the first order of things gone.” The Enthroned continued, “Look! I’m making everything new.

Our prayer is that we would be open to not just pivoting but believing for the unimaginable, unexpected, the innovative, the stunning revelation that God wants to gloriously intrude into our lives with. He wants a space in our hearts, in our ministries, in our churches, in our relationships that He will make home. A place that is newly constructed, not just rearranged to suit our desires.  He is truly making all things new. 

Would you be open to having your life reimagined so God can move in and blow your mind with new desires, new hopes, new dreams? 

Psalm 51:7
“Lord, shape a Genesis {new} week out of the chaos of my life.”

I believe in you.  


Motivation Monday - Why Jesus Believed Women Were Worth Investing In


Motivation Monday - Why Relationships Matter