Motivation Monday - Why You Can Believe In Love

But you are waiting in the light. He is here – Emmanuel, God with us!
And while He himself has gone back to the Father, He has given us the Holy Spirit, the comforter, your Guide, your constant companion –
your deposit for the eternity that awaits you.
— Cathie Ostapchuk

As I read the Christmas story again this year, for some reason, this year is different. 

For some reason, this year, I am looking for more than I perhaps have in the past.

For some reason, this year, I am empty in places that I felt full in eighteen months ago.

For some reason, this year, I am not taking for granted anything – I am looking for meaning, I am seeking grace and a reason to believe in what is an unexplainable and challenging fourth pandemic wave and a world spinning out of control. 

I am finding that fewer and fewer people can explain what is going on in the world.

I am finding God in the unexplainable, in the unexpected, 

and in the particular details of life

and in the divine thread weaving it all together. 

I am finding God in Kairos moments when His love breaks through.

Perhaps you can Too.

As I read the Christmas story from both the perspectives of Luke and Matthew, I find that much of it is unexplainable, and unexpected. Yet a silken thread of divine purpose and diving love weaves its way through every problem, every place and every person. It is in fact, a very particular story. 

It is a story that centers love as its compelling force.

The story is not over

It is an epic tale.

It is a story that over-arches the entire beginning of mankind 

and of God’s persistent pursuit of me- – and of you, as His creation.

From love, for love.

My challenge to you today is to see in this in unexplainable, unexpected, very particular divine story – with the placement of the particular angels, shepherds, magi, the star, the stable, the sacrificial lambs – and to ask yourself,

What is the meaning of my particular placement in history,

in right now, in this place,

for such a time as this?
Might it be because of His particular love for me?
Might my participation in the Christmas story 

as I join the choirs of worshippers in praising Jesus 

only be possible because of love?

What difference can my participation make in the greatest story ever told?

Will I tell it, live it, and offer it, with love?

See here’s the thing.

In that 400 year silence before The First Noel, or the birth day of the King of Israel, the King of Heaven and Earth – the world was waiting in the dark.

Sure they had the prophecies, if they looked hard, they could see the arrows all pointing in the direction of a coming Messiah. And some believed it without seeing it – and some, even though they saw it, did not want to believe it because it would mess up their comfortable world.

They waited in the dark. Not only when he came that first noel, but they were waiting while He was still with them and they didn’t realize who he was until after He had gone. 

You may be feeling like it’s a dark time. Where is God when the world’s heart is breaking? 

Where is God when I am experiencing my second Christmas without my sister?

Where is God when families are separated, interest rates are skyrocketing, food and housing is increasingly difficult to afford, people are isolated and anxiety and fear threatens to be the undoing of us all?

We are waiting for angels to tell us to look up – look up! And not only look up but rejoice – because Christ has already come!

Here is the difference. The world before Christ came was waiting in the dark.

But you are waiting in the light. He is here – Emmanuel, God with us! 

And while He himself has gone back to the Father, He has given us the Holy Spirit, the comforter, your Guide, your constant companion – 

your deposit for the eternity that awaits you.

Light is only created from the source of love.
He wants to see you, to know you, 

to bring you home 

safely to Himself.

He created you from love, for love, and to come back home to love.

I must encourage you, friends, yes you are waiting – but you are waiting in the love and in the light. In Matthew 4:16, quoting Isaiah 9:2, we read, “the people living in darkness have seen a great light; on those living in the land of the shadow of death, a light has dawned."

But you are already IN THE LIGHT! The angel has come, the star has shown the way to the manger, Jesus has been born, He has died and risen again and intercedes for you each moment of every day! You are already loved beyond death and on to resurrection and eternal life!

You are not in a place too inconspicuous that God does not see you. 

You are not living in a world with too much that is unexplainable 

that God cannot gloriously intrude into the middle of it with good news of great joy that will be for ALL the people.

From love, for love, calling all back home to love.

Not just ALL the people at the time of Jesus’ birth but All the people to come after. You, me and generations to follow. Tell your children, tell your grandchildren, tell your neighbours, your coworkers – Noel – Born is the King! It’s his birthday!

And we, we are the Royal Priesthood – we have been literally transferred from the kingdom of darkness into the kingdom of glorious light! We are IN THE LIGHT and WE EXIST IN A LOVE SO STRONG, that nothing can destroy its’ power.

1 Peter 2:9: But you are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, God’s special possession, that you may declare the praises of him who called you out of darkness into his wonderful light.

We have access through the blood of Jesus to the Father Himself – to find everything need to live fearless and joyful lives in a world that is full of fear and has no joy.

Do you believe it? The invitation in this story is for you, and for me.

Then let us all with one accord
sing praises to our heavenly Lord,
that hath made heaven and earth of nought,
and with his blood mankind has bought.
Noel, Noel, Noel, Noel,
born is the King of Israel.

I believe in you!



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