Motivation Monday - Why You Can Rise With Purpose Today

You must believe He has given you life, a voice and a message to offer to a waiting world. It is inside your home. It is right outside your door and down the street. It is in the grocery store, your workplace, your church, on the platform or in the prison. 
— Cathie Ostapchuk

Today is a new day, a new Monday. You might be dreading the day, or the week ahead. Or, you might be wondering with anticipation what God has in store for you as you trust him.

Today, my prayer for you is that you would rise to your purpose. We are all looking for our ‘why’. Sometimes that means we are looking for a place to belong, a chance to contribute meaningful work, or an environment that affirms our identity and giftings.

Every day, including Mondays, you have an opportunity to rise with purpose – the over-arching purpose of God that calls you to belonging, meaningful contribution and affirms your birthright gifts. This is the purpose given to man and woman in God’s original design in Genesis – and the purpose that has not changed. 

We are his image bearers – welcomed into the inner circle 

to know the God who created the universe. 

We represent him in this world – speaking and acting on his behalf. 

He is counting on his daughters along with his sons 

to be guardians of the whole earth and to rule it as he himself would.

Today, let’s not only pray for God’s kingdom to come on earth as it is in heaven, but also get up and participate in the answer to our prayers by bringing the promised good news to the poor, binding up the brokenhearted, freeing the captives, and releasing those held captive by the darkness. That is, after all, what God’s daughters, who follow Jesus are supposed to do.

You must believe He has given you life, a voice and a message to offer to a waiting world. It is inside your home. It is right outside your door and down the street. It is in the grocery store, your workplace, your church, on the platform or in the prison. 

Voice comes from the latin root vocare, which is also the root word for vocation. 

However, finding your voice is about so much more than a career choice.

It’s about having clarity of life direction.

It’s about giving full expression to your true self – holding nothing back.

Rise to your purpose today. Study God’s word today. Listen for His voice today as He speaks to you. There are new genesis revelations of God’s truth from His unchanging word that He wants to reveal to you today. Rediscover your identity in His today. Focus most on His words, His purposes, His plans rather than what is going on in the world. Live from God’s perspective. 

Find your voice. Speak your truth. Change the world.

I believe in you!



Motivation Monday - Why Genesis Moments Carry Second Chances


Motivation Monday - Why Your Voice Is A Gospel Gift To The World