Motivation Monday - Why You Can Stay in the Promise of A New Year

Stay because your confidence comes from being tethered to the stunning promises of God that were written into the world at creation with such profound power that they will remain the only lasting Word at the end of the revelation and into eternal presence with God.
— Cathie Ostapchuk

To be honest, I was ready to start planning 2023 before 2022 had ended. My 2022 moleskin diary was full of planned events, planned travel and planned increase. It was also full of red lines crossed over those same plans, as pivots needed to be made as a ministry in response to changes in women’s lives, and in the church and ministry climate.

Looking forward to 2023 brings with it something different, a commitment to resolutely stay grounded, to stay faithful, to stay a disciple, a pilgrim focused on the journey homeward. 

The year ahead brings with it a commitment to simply stay.

The last year almost undid me, almost took me off track more than once because the gale-force winds… of cultural change, challenges in the heart of the Canadian church, and the ongoing experience of women in the church looking for invitations to bring their birthright gifts… carried discouragement and disillusionment in their sails. The ever-changing and ever-increasing velocity of the external pressure to cave in or conform or simply quit came right up against any resolve internally to keep my eyes on Jesus.

How was your year? What did you find difficult to hang on to? Your relationships? Your daily commitment to discipleship? Your desire to faithfully keep attending church? Your hope? 

My prayer for myself – and for all of you unique and stunning female leaders across our nation, is that what 2023 brings will not only be different, it will be based on the unchanging and immovable promises of God. 

My prayer for you in the year ahead is that you will simply…stay.

Don’t stay because you think you are strong enough, wise enough or prepared enough to withstand the changes that are almost certainly coming your way in a new year.

Stay because your confidence comes from being tethered to the stunning promises of God that were written into the world at creation with such profound power that they will remain the only lasting Word at the end of the revelation and into eternal presence with God.

The promises of God have at their core the Presence of Jesus, the Promised One, the Promise who has come, is with us, and will be forever. 

As I reflect on what might be the Gather 'word of the year' for 2023 - the one that keeps surfacing in my heart is PROMISE. God's promises are not contingent on anything external but rather His unfailing Word and His unfailing commitment to not only safely bring us home, finish what He started in each of us, but to be with us every step of the way. 

Here is the verse that I pray each of you will receive in a deep place where the Spirit can illuminate the glory of the solid promises of God:

Let us hold unswervingly to the hope we profess, for 
He who promised is faithful.
Hebrews 10:23

Please pray with me as we enter a New Year - for all involved in and around this unique ministry called Gather Women to hear from Him and focus on His promises which trump any earthly plans. 

I pray that would consider the invitation to join us in Calgary, February 4, 2023 in Calgary for Gather Rise GENESIS. You can register here.

I pray that  you would make the investment to come and add your voice to the anthem of Canadian women rising with one voice to declare that you will, indeed, commit to staying. We are here for the now and next generation of the female church in our nation – to create resources and connecting and opportunities for you to flourish right where you are positioned – so the entire church can flourish.

Would you step into this new vision with us to stay – and embrace the promises of God to lead us into and through a New Year?

I believe in you!



Motivation Monday - Why You Must Watch And Wait For The Promise Of God


Motivation Monday - Why the Prince of Peace is the Promise You Need