Motivation Monday – Why You Must Take Responsibility for Your Voice

I wonder hourly, daily, minute by minute even, if what we are focused on in the Gather movement makes a difference.
— Cathie Ostapchuk

The world is curly. You and I want to straighten it out. We want it to be linear – cause and effect, and are more comfortable when we can predict the outcomes. But the world is too big for us to be able to control even the small things, never mind the big things.

 There is unrest everywhere. A million fires everywhere. Injustice and grief. Suffering and despair. One crisis hits the news as just as quickly another overtakes it. Tornados, floods, heat and drought, changing the world faster than we ever thought possible. And we don’t know how to respond, what to say or what to do as the tidal waves of change and the unpredictability of humanity keep washing over us.

It can be overwhelming.

I wonder hourly, daily, minute by minute even, if what we are focused on in the Gather movement makes a difference.

And then I am reminded that we have been called to be in our lane. A lane that it is an honour to serve in. A lane that keeps us focused on connecting equipping, raising and releasing the female voice in the church and everywhere.


We must understand who we are before we know what is ours to respond to.

We will always have more demands on our life

 than our ability or resources to meet those demands.


So while we must look outward and be obedient to God’s prompts to use our voice for justice and reconciliation, we must first look inward and discover what work we have uniquely been called to – and throw ourselves into that.

I meet more women who are unclear about their life’s purpose and their particular wildly stunning unique gifting, than I do women that are clear on their calling and focused on what God has asked them to respond to in obedience.

I love this word from Galatians 6:4-5 The Message 
Make a careful exploration of who you are and the work you have been given, and then sink yourself into that.

Don’t be impressed with yourself.

Don’t compare yourself with others.

Each of you must take responsibility for doing the creative best you can with your own life.

I believe if you and I take responsibility for doing the

creative best we know to do with our lives, exploring our

birthright gifts, investing in them, developing them and

serving selflessly with them, they will unfold as the answer

to some of the world’s greatest problems.

Gather Women wants to invest in you, come alongside you, and journey with you as you do this great work. The world needs your voice – and needs to hear the message God is putting on your lips for them. Perhaps He is branding a message on your heart on behalf of those who may not be able to speak.


You have been given a voice for self.

And a voice for others.

When these are touched by the revelation of God, your

genuine voice emerges, a gospel gift to the world.


I personally am inviting you to join us for the incredible Gather Voices journey about to launch in August. This cohort for female communicators is designed to propel you to find your voice. Speak your truth. Change the world.  As the Galatians passage reminds us, don’t let fear of not being enough, of comparison, or of thinking you are beyond needing this experience, keep you from stepping into the room with us.

Pray about it. Your voice was given for you to reflect God’s revelation. His revelation is life-changing. It is the gospel of life to a dying world. You can speak life in any sphere of influence – your family, your church, your profession, your ministry, your mission. But you need to be clear on what it is God desires to call out of you.

Join us for Gather Voices. Learn to own and declare truth with the stunning timbres of your voice. And let it change the world. 

I believe in you!



Motivation Monday – Why You Can Rise With Purpose Today


Motivation Monday – Why You Must Find Your Voice