Motivation Monday - Why You Should Say A Healthy Yes to Finding Your Voice

Very often as women leaders, when we are wrestling with wanting to do the right thing and at the same time listening to the whispers of God in our heart, stress and anxiety result.
— Cathie Ostapchuk

If you are anything like me, chances are you have spent a third, half, or even more of your life trying to please people. In my work as a leadership catalyst, I have met very few female leaders who have more often than not looked at their sphere of influence and set about making sure they could meet every one’s perceived needs, before they did the work of exploring what they could uniquely bring into those environments. 

More often I, and maybe you, have asked, “What do you need from me?” rather than declaring confidently, ‘This is what you can expect from me.” 

We rarely have enough confidence in our strengths and unique gifting as women that our yes’s are given away without little thought.

The ways of showing up that are unique to our one and only selves rarely have a chance to shine in the limelight since we have kept them hidden while being at the beck and call of other people’s expectations, and ministry expectations.  

Girls, I am this woman. Right out of the gate from Bible College and two degrees and seminary later into a ministry environment, I learned how to take the easy road to likeability by saying yes. I threw out a frequent yes to pastors, peers, congregations, and friends, because I thought that in ministry this was the baseline expectation and people liked me more. Isn’t that what every female leader wants?

My yes to others created havoc within my soul as time and time again, I denied my own desires to serve in the ways that I was passionate about, in order to please others.

Very often as women leaders, when we are wrestling with wanting to do the right thing and at the same time listening to the whispers of God in our heart, stress and anxiety result. 

We somehow know we are failing to be true to our very souls and defaulting on ourselves.

This can result in defining moments – either of plateauing, burnout, or falling off the leadership journey entirely. 

We are launching the 2022 Gather Voices Cohort: Equipping the Female Church to Raise Her Voice – on June 12!

Some of you know that this this is your YES for such a time as this. You have a message in you waiting to be called up, developed, and invested in, being part of a transformational community.

To say YES to this amazing immersive experience – you may need to say no to something else. Something that can be delegated. Something that can be postponed. Something that doesn’t have your name on it like this opportunity does. 

Reflect on these stunning words from Steven Covey as you begin to understand how fearfully and wonderfully you have been created. Steward those gifts to serve the world God has positioned you in for such a time as now.

The power to discover your voice lies in the potential that was bequeathed you at birth. Latent and undeveloped, the seeds of greatness were planted. You were given magnificent birth-gifts – talents, capacities, privileges, intelligences, opportunities – that would remain largely unopened except through your own decision and effort. Open these gifts. Learn what taps your talents and fuels your passion – that rises out of a great need in the world that you feel drawn by conscience to meet – therein lies your voice, your calling, your soul’s code.”

I believe it is time for the female church to find her voice. I believe it is time for you to find your voice. I believe that you can say a healthy YES to the Gather Voices 2022 Cohort and never look back with regret. 

We are praying you in, girls and believe this moment is for you. A moment to find your voice as you rediscover your true self – in God – and understand with clarity what you bring into any room.  Stop doing things out of a need only to please others. Start listening to God’s voice and hear Him call you to step outside your comfort zone and develop the gift that pleases Him to have place it in you in the first place.

Will you join us as together, we speak truth, find our voice, and change the world. 

I believe in you. 



Motivation Monday - Why You Need to Stop Preparing for the Wrong Things and Start Preparing Your Voice


Motivation Monday - Why God Has Your Past, Present and Future