Wellness - Habit Stacking: Burn Calories While You Walk

Blessed are those whose strength is in you, whose hearts are set on pilgrimage. Psalm 84:5 NIV

Gather Wellness - Habit Stacking: Burning More Calories When You Walk

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We have all heard of the benefits of getting fresh air and exercise. But we don’t always have time or energy for an hour-long pursuit. Next time you find yourself outdoors, increase your intensity with a few simple tricks that take advantage of what the great outdoors has to offer and increase your caloric burn.

  • Sit on the bench and get back up immediately 10 times.

  • Jog to the tree and walk back.

  • Do step ups, (up, up, down down) on a sidewalk curb. Do this 10 times each side.

  • Do push ups or dips on a park bench 10 times.

  • Use street lights or posts to walk fast to one, and slow down to the next. Repeat this 5 times..

  • Walk up and down a hill.

  • Hold a plank or side plank on a bench, 30 seconds to a minute.

  • When pausing to look at nature, birds, or other animals, balance on one foot. Then do the same on the other side.

  • Do a wall squat against a tree. Hold for as long as you can and feel the burn.

  • Take the stairs even if it’s just one way up and down.

  • Drag your feet through the sand at a beach. Pretend you’re skating through it.

  • Tap your foot on a bench 10 times on each side.

Tip: Don’t worry about what you look like. Though people may look in your direction, they’ll be encouraged and inspired by your actions and creativity. And if nothing else, shoot them a smile and invite them to do it with you.


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