Advent Week 3 - JOY with Shelley Bechtold



Continuing in our break from our incredible conversation with ordinary, yet extraordinary women all across Canada in our ALL THE THINGS series we move to the next week of our special Four-Part Advent Series. This week Cathie and Shelley from Operation Christmas Child sit down and talk about what it means to truly seek JOY this Christmas season.

Shelley on why having joy as the focus is so important:
"Galations 5 talks about joy being a fruit of the sprit. So, being spirit-filled is more the goal than being joy-filled. Joy comes from gratitude in who God is and how He is working through us. We have strength to choose gratitude over our circumstances."

Shelley Bechtold is the Partnerships and Promotions Manager for Operation Christmas Child.  She lives in Strathmore, Alberta with her husband Warren and their cat, Keelan, who is an only child.  Her work allows her to share with people the wondrous things that God is doing through the gift filled shoeboxes distributed around the world.   Shelley greatly values the power of prayer so often find her in the warehouse walking and praying.   You can follow her on Instagram @Shoebox_Shelley or Facebook  @Shelley Bechtold OCC where she posts regularly all things shoebox and her passion for the ministry.  You can follow Operation Christmas Child Canada both on Instagram @OCC_Canada and Facebook @Operation Christmas Child Canada.


Gather Influence Co-hosts: Cathie Ostapchuk - Instagram @cathieostapchuk Rebecca Doner - Instagram @lifeinoverflow

Episode 82 Guest: Operation Christmas Child

Shelley Bechtold Instagram and Twitter: @occ_canada or @Shoebox_Shelley

Gather Women @gatherwomen