Announcing Exciting New Partnerships!

We’re Better Together…Announcing the Partnership Between Gather Women, Compassion and International Justice Mission (IJM) for Gather BC April 2nd! We are excited to share this press release with you!



For Immediate Release

March 18, 2016, London, Ont. – International Justice Mission Canada and Compassion Canada today announce their partnership with Gather Women at its first regional event in British Columbia.

The two organizations join Gather Women in its effort to unite Canadian women of faith from coast to coast, champion every woman’s unique calling and help women rise with a collective voice. 

“Gather Women exists to gather together, in order to go out.  We want to partner with organizations that are responding to injustice and poverty, and that is why we are excited to partner with IJM Canada and Compassion Canada.   We believe that the sum of our individual Yeses will create a collective Yes that is more than enough to cultivate the fertile soil of Canadian culture and transform it,” says Cathie Ostapchuk, Co-Founder of Gather Women.

“IJM Canada is pleased and honoured by the partnership with Gather Women. The opportunity to interact with and support Canadian Christian women in their exploration of justice issues is exciting to all of us at IJM Canada. We look forward to journeying together to create a truly amazing result,” adds Glenn Waterman, Vice-President of Development and Marketing for International Justice Mission Canada.

“Compassion Canada is honoured to partner with Gather Women. We are excited to join this movement of Christian women connecting and collaborating across our country, while creating space at the table for women living in poverty,” says Allison Alley, National Advocacy Manager for Compassion Canada.

This significant partnership is an alignment of the organizations’ shared belief that women are positioned to address some of the world’s most pressing issues—poverty, violence, injustice—simply by unifying in strength and stepping into their unique callings.

“Women are extraordinary philanthropists and even stronger together. At Compassion, we have seen the ripple effects of compassion and generosity from 'the one, the few, and the many’ make a lasting difference in the lives of those in need. These women are diverse in story and place, yet unified in their love for God and their global neighbour,” says Alley.

“As I travel around Canada I see a generation of women rising up as ‘trailblazers’ of justice both in their backyards and around the world. They are taking their God-given abilities and ideas, gathering their circles, and effecting change—by living boldly. These women will transform the lives of victims of violence around the world,” says Kelly Cameron, Associate Director of Mobilization with IJM Canada.

Gather Women will launch its first event in Surrey, British Columbia on Saturday, April 2, 2016.

Event Information

Gather Women, British Columbia
Location: Relate Church, Surrey, British Columbia
Date: Saturday, April 2, 2016
Register HERE

Media Contacts:

Cathie Ostapchuk
Co-Founder, Gather Women

Petra Kooman
Public Affairs Manager, IJM Canada
519-679-5030 x. 229

Allison Alley
National Advocacy Manager, Compassion Canada
519-668-0224 x. 214

About Gather Women
Gather Women is a conduit for Canadian Christian women to connect coast to coast, champion each others’ callings, and rise with a collective voice.  We have the opportunity, at this time in our nation, to cultivate a uniquely Canadian expression of God’s heart for us.  Gather Women is looking for women who will speak a fearless Yes into the Canadian air.  We are looking for women who share the vision of creating a robust network of Canadian Christian women, coast to coast, who believe that we are better together. 
Learn more at

About International Justice Mission Canada
International Justice Mission is a global organization protecting the poor from violence throughout the developing world.  IJM partners with local authorities to rescue victims of violence, bring criminals to justice, restore survivors, and strengthen justice systems. International Justice Mission Canada shares in this mission.
Learn more at

About Compassion Canada
As one of the world’s leading child development organizations, Compassion partners with the local church in 26 countries to end poverty in the lives of children and their families. Today, more than 1.6 million children and their families are discovering lives full of promise and purpose as they develop in all aspects of their lives—minds, bodies, and relationships—while discovering God’s love for them in the gospel of Jesus Christ.
Learn more at

Cathie Ostapchuk


Co-Founder and Lead Catalyst of Gather Women

Cathie’s work and as a leadership development trainer, consultant and coach has led her to work in global non-profit organizations such as World Vision and Compassion, as well as corporate boardrooms, and has taken her across Canada and as far as Africa and Australia doing the work she loves.  Her mission statement is to help clarify purpose and vision for individuals, teams, and organizations.   Cathie is co-founder of  Gather Women which exists as a catalyst to connect, equip, and mobilize women of faith in Canada for leadership influence. She can be found at

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