An Invitation To Pray


We are breaking ground on our Canadian soil and want to do some cultivating through prayer!  We want to pray into our planning, our preparations, and our purpose for 2016. Prayer is foundational to the Gather Movement and we are passionate about seeing women connect, not only to champion one another coast to coast, but also allow the power of prayer to transform lives and our nation.

By joining the Gather Women team I look forward to connecting with you and to provide oversight to our Prayer Collective. As we extend an invitation to women across our nation, we want to intentionally provide opportunities to gather and pray. We are excited to launch a National Prayer Collective and intentionally begin to seek the presence of God, both individually and alongside one another in prayer.

At Gather Women, in 2016 we are committed to be intentional about Presence. Presence with God. Presence with ourselves. Presence with each other. 


Being fully present and available is a gift to both give and receive.

King David spoke about this presence when he said, One thing I ask from the Lord, this only do I seek: that I may dwell in the house of the Lord all the days of my life, to gaze on the beauty of the Lord and to seek him in his temple…Hear my voice when I call, Lord; be merciful to me and answer me. My heart says of you, “Seek his face!” Your face, Lord, I will seek” (Psalm 27:4, 7-8).

 Dwelling. Seeking. Gazing. Praying.  Do you hear the invitation of presence?

 The word presence is almost always translated using the word face in Hebrew. The biblical imagery of presence is about drawing near to the face of God. 

God wants face time with us, because He deeply desires our presence!

 God promises to be fully present and available to us when we seek Him wholeheartedly in prayer.


 When you call out to me and come to me in prayer, I will hear your prayers. When you seek me in prayer and worship, you will find me available to you. If you seek me with all your heart and soul, I will make myself available to you,’ says the Lord” (Jeremiah 29:12-14).


So, I invite you to join us and enter God’s presence, in 2016, alongside other women who are choosing to gather through prayer across our nation.

As we gather for some regional events would you join us in prayer?

  • For the name of Jesus to be lifted high and His presence to be known at each regional event. In Surrey, B.C., Edmonton, Alberta, Montreal, Quebec and Toronto, Ontario.
  •  For each event team as they plan and prepare to reach out in their regions to gather the one, the few and the many.
  •  For women to experience a sense of belonging and excitement to connect regionally and nationally.


Where we find obstacles, we will ask God to move them. We choose to link arms as Canadian women from coast to coast and imagine thousands of kneeling warriors joining the God of angel’s armies! 

Will you join us as we gather in prayer?

If you are interested in being part of our Prayer Collective click here to join our email list and participate in the prayer opportunities ahead. 






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Julianne is the Director of Community Life at Compass Community Church in Orangeville, Ontario where she is part of the senior leadership team.  She is a certified Life Purpose Coach and also uses her gifts on both the National and Regional board of directors for the Fellowship of Evangelical Baptist Churches in Canada. Julianne is married to Paul and they have two young adult boys. She is a lover of all things pink!

Cathie Ostapchuk


Co-Founder and Lead Catalyst of Gather Women

Cathie’s work and as a leadership development trainer, consultant and coach has led her to work in global non-profit organizations such as World Vision and Compassion, as well as corporate boardrooms, and has taken her across Canada and as far as Africa and Australia doing the work she loves.  Her mission statement is to help clarify purpose and vision for individuals, teams, and organizations.   Cathie is co-founder of  Gather Women which exists as a catalyst to connect, equip, and mobilize women of faith in Canada for leadership influence. She can be found at

Gather is Coming to Alberta!


Announcing Exciting New Partnerships!