Celebrating Coming Together at Gather BC!
Can you guess how exciting April 2 was for us here at Gather Women? Our word for 2016 is Presence. Gather Women team members from the east flew across the country to be present with over 350 women and the local team - who gathered together for our first regional launch at Gather BC on April 2. Together we were thrilled to welcome each woman who came, and made room at the table, or at least had a chair ready – because we had 100 more women than we expected!
We have heard from so many of the women who filled the room - that they were encouraged and inspired by the women they met, and the messages they heard from incredible Canadian Christian women. We heard individual women's stories of women from diverse backgrounds, and we dug deep into what it means to image bearers called to shape our culture for this time in history. We began to sense the collective voice of women in our nation by gathering as the many, and were provided opportunity to be genuine with each other through meaningful dialogue with one, and the few.
Whether you joined us at Gather BC, or are planning on joining us online, or in one of our upcoming regional Gather events (Alberta on May 14, Montreal on June 11, and our national Gather in Toronto on October 1), we want to invite you to continue the conversation…and deepen the relationships that you have begun forging by raising your hand to join us at Gather Women.
We are launching Gather Conversation Circles on April 16! Please go to our website to:
- Sign up to be a Gather Circle Leader
- Download a Gather Conversation Circle Sneak Peek and see how you can access the Conversation series as they become available.
- Your group will be added to our virtual map so you will see where there are Circles forming across the country.
- Once you raise your hand to be a Circle Leader, you will be invited to our Gather Conversation Circles Facebook Group where you can connect with other Circle leaders and be part of an amazing and growing community across Canada.
- Encourage your friends to go to our website to add your name to our communication list so they can stay up to date on how we will be Present in 2016 – online, and on the ground.
- Go to our Gather:Women Facebook page – created especially for you – where you can connect with other women who are raising their hands to join the movement – all across Canada.
- Prayer will lay the foundation for Gather to grow across Canada. Join our Prayer Team for weekly updates on how to join us planting seeds of prayer in every province. Click here to sign up.
- We are bringing Gather to the women in Edmonton on May 14 for Gather Alberta – click here to register. We are extending an invitation to women across Alberta to join us!
- If you have a heart for your community, your province, or your region, we want to hear from you. Leadership is God’s gift to communities and we know that our network will be stronger by women in each part of the country raising their hand to be on the ground and cover the space between their two feet.
- Email us at GatherwomenCanada@gmail.com if this is something on your heart.
We want you to know that we stepped into a dream at Gather BC.
And it would not have been the same without you – those who came, those who were able to join our livestream – and those who prayed from afar. We are on the threshold of something that God has wanted to do in Canada for a very long time.
God is stirring a desire for a uniquely Canadian expression of His heart for us.
Imagine raising the voice and profile of Canadian women of Christian faith.
Inspire the creation of real face-to-face and virtual connections between Christian women across Canada.
Ignite a passion for prayer and God’s presence in our communities.
Are you in? Let us Gather.