TRUE Helper

by Brooke Nicholls

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Do it afraid! 

Do- it- a- what?


When you do something afraid you embrace courage on a whole new level. You end up conquering your fears and coming out much stronger and braver than if you had never stepped out in the first place.  I’m reminded that courage isn't the absence of fear; instead, it’s learning how to move forward in the presence of fear.

Today my devotional book 'Making Room' has been released to the world. (Wow, I can’t believe I just typed those words!) It’s a devotional to help turn your eyes to Jesus and create space in your life for God to come and do what only He can do. You can check it out here:

…courage isn't the absence of fear; instead, it’s learning how to move forward in the presence of fear.

Even as I write this, I’m shaking in my boots yet feeling like I can take on the world. I didn’t know those two things could co-exist until I stepped out and ‘did it afraid.’ But here’s how it all started: In 2018 I felt the Lord prompting me to write a devotional … my initial reaction was a huge ‘no way!’ Because here’s the truth: I’m not a writer, I had never published a book before and the task seemed too big and too daunting.  As somebody who had struggled with feelings of inadequacy and considered herself academically challenged, I just didn’t think this venture was for me. Basically, I was drowning in insecurity and fear. 


What I’ve learned through this 2 year journey is that whatever God calls us to do, He gives us the supernatural strength to get through it. But not only to just get through it … to get through it feeling empowered and more courageous than when we started! I admit, there were some serious dry times in my writing, moments of frustration and times where I questioned if I was out of my mind but looking back, I can see God’s hand on every one of those moments. He was taking my fear and turning it into a boldness I didn’t know I had. And guess what? He wants to do the same in you! Philippians 4:13 tells us that, ‘because of Christ in us, we can do all things.” It’s definitely not because of our own strength but because of His power in us that enables us to take those big courageous steps and do it afraid. 

 …whatever God calls us to do, He gives us the supernatural strength to get through it. But not only to just get through it … to get through it feeling empowered and more courageous than when we started!

Hebrews 13:6 says that “… we can confidently say, “The Lord is my helper; I will not fear..."  It’s easy to highlight all the ways we CAN’T do something isn’t it? We get in our own heads and end up giving the enemy way too much power over who God has created us to be and all the dreams He has placed in our hearts. But my prayer today is that with confidence, you would remind your heart that the Lord is your helper and because of that truth, you can step out boldly and ‘do it afraid!’


What is it that you’ve been wanting to step out and do but fear has stopped you from taking the first step? Remember, through the power of Christ in you, you can do it! Surrender your hopes and dreams to God and watch Him come and do what only He can do in your life! I pray that the words written on every page of my new book 'Making Room' would bring you hope, healing and freedom. May you be encouraged to keep your eyes on Jesus as you step out and trust Him! 


God bless, 


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Brooke Nicholls is a Worship Leader and Songwriter from Toronto, ON, where she serves as a Staff Worship Leader at Sanctus Church. When she's not at her home Church, she's leading worship at different Churches and Ministries across Canada and beyond. Brooke has been named the Female Vocalist of the Year for the last three years at the Canadian Gospel Music Awards and her new album ‘Pursue’ is nominated for Christian/Gospel Album of the Year at the 2020 Juno Awards. Brooke is married to her guitar player Steve. Connect with Brooke @brookenicholls &


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