TRUE Promise: Purpose in Every Season

by Jacqueline Morrison

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For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.( Jeremiah 29:11)

This is a verse of scripture from the Bible that has been my  "life verse" chosen since I was a young teenager.  The writer was speaking of a promise God made to a group of people who were going through  a time of great difficulty, in fact they were in "bondage" living in conditions that were not what they would have chosen.  

Yet, because the promise and purpose of God is sure, they were being encouraged to believe that their purpose would be realized.   

God's will for each person is that they fulfill the purpose for which they were born.  

Are you living out the purpose for which you were born?   No, this is not a trick question or one to frustrate you in case you are in a season of complexity- The year 2020 has been one that could cause many of us to re-think purpose.  I know friends who have lost jobs, pivoted in their careers, some have gone back to school, and many are parenting in different ways, and even questioning their purpose. 

 I do have good news,  I believe our  purpose is not a secret, it is unfolding each and every day as we live out our lives boldly in each season.

Sounds simple doesn't it?  yet we struggle so often to "find" our true purpose.   Why is that?  Well we are all so uniquely made, with so much talents and abilities that often it gets confusing as to which one of our wonderful abilities we should pursue (or prioritize).  So then, what sounds simple becomes a complex struggle.  

In and through every experience  I have discovered God will work things out for our good.

You do not need to stress or panic , 'His plan' even when we go through sickness, pain,  disappointments, failure, or Covid19,  is being worked out.  In and through every experience  I have discovered God will work things out for our good. He is directing us each step of the way and His providential will and purposes will be fulfilled. We are invited to partner with God, believe and choose His will.  Our life purpose is being lived out from Heaven's perspective. No good thing will God withhold from those who walk upright before Him. Ps. 84:11. 

We are encouraged in  Matt 6:23 "But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to us as well.

My husband and I some years ago in seeking God for some direction, spent time reading the scriptures and also some books, one titled 'How full is your bucket?'  we then went through the    " Gallup Strength Finder Assessment"; it is a tool that is used by business, organizations, nonprofits or personally, which helps to uncovers a person's strength and how it's best used to empower one's life.   At the conclusion of the process I realized once again that we are uniquely designed  to flourish in our purpose as we spend time developing (growing) our strengths. We were challenged like many others to move away from trying so much to improve in areas of  weakness and to focus on developing in your areas of strength to fulfill our purpose; Our strengths being in alignment with our passion.

When one is living in their purpose even the worst of times can be the best of times, because you are growing and learning, becoming who you were purposed to be, even through life's challenges.  So finding one's purpose is a most worthwhile pursuit, as it is in knowing and living out your purpose that you truly experience the life you were designed to have.  

Today, would you lean into your areas of strength, seek God's will for your life, and walk out the purpose for which you were born.  Live in anticipation of the good he has for your future.


A certified Life-Leadership trainer,  Development Coach, Jacqueline currently serves as the Executive Director for a positive youth organization in the non-profit sector. She provides leadership inspiration and operational direction,  helping  organizations, and  individuals live out their mission and vision . Jacqueline holds a Bachelor of Arts degree in Sociology. Her heart beat is the immeasurable pleasure she gets out of being a wife to Kingsley and a mom to three grown boys.


TRUE Intentions: Living on Purpose with and for Jesus


TRUE Helper