TRUE Intentions: Living on Purpose with and for Jesus

by Janice Nikkel


If I could sum up the Christian life, I’d call it a faith adventure.

Who doesn’t like adventure? And who doesn’t want their life to matter? We all do. And this is what Jesus offers us when we choose to intentionally live for Him.

It is a daily, intentional choice to draw near to God, knowing we can trust His promise that He will then “draw near to us” (James 4:8). From the time I was young, I wanted my life to make a difference. I was the youngest of five and had the advantage of watching my older brother and sisters live out their faith journeys. I had parents who had become Christians in their late teens, so it really did change how they chose to raise their kids. It became normal to include my faith in everything I did. Have I done this perfectly? No. No such thing. But I have tried to live intentionally, wanting to experience the abundant life Jesus promised in John 10:10. Jesus said, “The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full.”

Here are some practical ways to live intentionally with and for Jesus.

Intentional Surrender: This is the daily, intentional surrender of our time, talents and treasures, asking God what He wants us to do each day. He doesn’t expect you to be perfect. He just loves our willingness to surrender our will. God gives us enough hours in the day to do what He wants us to get done. It will look different for each of us because we all have our unique gifts and calling. As we hold out our hands in surrender to Jesus, know that He will use you – just as you are. 

Intentional Parenting: I believe young people need to be challenged to live boldly and intentionally for Jesus. In fact, they are challenged to in 1 Timothy 4:12: “Don’t let anyone look down on you because you are young, but set an example for the believers in speech, in conduct, in love, in faith and in purity.” Set the bar high for your kids. 

If you are a parent, you know you have an important job. But as a Christian parent, it is so important you intentionally teach your children truth about who Jesus is, what He did for them, and how they can live for Him.

The Bible says, “You shall teach them diligently to your children, and shall talk of them when you sit in your house, and when you walk by the way, and when you lie down, and when you rise.” Deuteronomy 6:7. That’s ALL the time!

I had the privilege of driving my kids to school, so I tried to use that time intentionally as we’d drive to school. I remember my son being angry at God in those years. One day, he turned to me and said, “Why do you talk about God all the time on our way to school” And with confidence I replied, “Because it’s my job”. By the grace of God, my kids are all living out their faith in their various spheres of influence. But even if they weren’t, there are no regrets being intentional teaching and modeling truth.

Intentional Trust: Life will throw you some curve balls. Not one person will be exempt from this. You might have a broken relationship. Maybe you’ve lost a child. Perhaps you or a loved one is battling an illness and there is no end in sight. Maybe it is a financial stress and you don’t know how you’ll make it to the end of the month. There are so many things that you could and will face. My challenge to you is to trust God EVEN when life isn’t making sense. I’ve had enough of these seasons to know that when you do choose to intentionally trust God, HE IS FAITHFUL. HE KEEPS HIS PROMISES. You can trust Him. He loves you SO MUCH.

Intentional Quiet: This one is hard for me. I’m a connecter. But there is indeed a need for us to honour that day of rest that God has given us. Isaiah 55:3 “Give ear and come to me; listen, that you may live.” Part of this faith adventure includes just being with Jesus. A quiet time of reading his word, praying, crying, laughing, and just being intentional with Jesus.

I can tell you that choosing to live intentionally for Jesus is a life WORTH living. It will be hard at times. It will involve sacrifice. Sometimes it will mean forsaking things the world offers. It means you will suffer. These things are also included in an intentional faith journey. But one thing I can say for sure. . . YOU CAN TRUST God on His promises. HE will NEVER leave you or forsake you (Hebrews 13:15).  When things seem unbearable, HE says “Come to me, all who labor and are heavy laden, and I WILL GIVE YOU REST.” (Matthew 11:28-30). 

Living intentionally on purpose with and for Jesus is truly a life worth living. I promise you. And as my dad used to recite, ‘Only one life, twill soon be past. Only what’s done for Christ will last”.

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Janice Nikkel is married to Peter, momma to four young adults, and will soon be called “Gramma”. She serves as Director of the Parent & Family Network at Trinity Western University. She’s experienced as a fundraiser, TV producer (Marriage Uncensored with Dave & Christie), writer of the weekly Mom Monday hockey column; appeared on CBC; CTV; Global TV; See, Hear, Love; 100 Huntley St; and guest co-hosted The Drew Marshall Show. On the home front, she and Peter run Poplar Hill Farm in South Langley, BC


TRUE Impact: Faithfulness in the Everyday


TRUE Promise: Purpose in Every Season