TRUE Joy this Advent Season

by Hannah McNeilly and Mikayla Nembhard


Joy.  What a magnificent emotion. Is it just an emotion? I’ve heard people often say that happiness is an emotion, but joy is a state of being. That’s powerful.

We must admit that this season has held many different emotions, and joy sometimes feels like it has been lost in translation. Have you lost family members? Friends? Neighbours to this pandemic? Have you felt alone, unseen, overwhelmed or empty? Across provinces, state lines, countries, continents, and seas, we’ve all felt the effects of this crisis to varying degrees. For many, our lives may have become unrecognizable, which can be terrifying.

On a personal note, Hannah and I have both been deeply impacted by anxiety for the majority of 2020. So, what has sparked joy within us amidst the chaos?

We don’t know about you, but we’ve stumbled upon the sprinkles of gratitude hidden in the corners of social media. We’ve felt the magic of connection that has beaten the odds and overcome the obstacles.  One thing we’ve noticed is our ability as children of God to create new pathways and begin new things. Who knew we would have the power to shift our mindset and bodies to be able to carry on through this seemingly impossible year. You know where we get this ability from, don’t you? Hmm yeah. I knew you’d get there. After all, it is Christmas!

As Mikayla and I were reflecting on the topic of joy in this season, especially relating to our current moment, we couldn’t help but imagine what the Trinity must have felt as Their plan of redemption finally sprang forth into action. 

Can you imagine the hum of excitement and anticipation across the realms of heaven just before baby Jesus was born? 

Can you sit for a moment, close your eyes, and place yourself in that perspective knowing that the greatest event in history was about to begin, and YOU had a front-row seat? The profound joy (as a state of being, not just an emotion) of creating something new, a glorious solution to the chaotic mess of humanity. I mean, what a moment! Trumpets blaring, angels singing, kings and queens bowing down… 

This joy and desire for new creation were sown into the thread of our being at the beginning of time! It says in Genesis 1 that God created us to have ownership over the earth, to multiply and to create more beautiful things! In John 1, Jesus also says that we will do even greater works than He because He was going to be with the Father.

The Holy Spirit fills us with this creative brilliance passed onto us by our Glorious Creator. What a gift! Not only are we to create, but God modelled the pure joy of creating amidst chaos. 

Mikayla and I can attest to this deep joy of new creation as we’ve been launched into the new mission of the Brave Girls Podcast!  Through our anxiety, through our fears and insecurity, overcoming the obstacles and complexities brought on by a global pandemic, we’ve been able to co-create a safe and hopeful space for vulnerable girls to come. We dream of deep community and justice within our world. We’ve leaned on each other as we’ve learned how to do a podcast!  We must say, it sometimes feels awkward to talk into a mic and put our thoughts out there for everyone to hear. At times, we’ve felt vulnerable and unsure; however, as we walk with Jesus through these new waters, we’re reminded of the joy He finds in us.  His creation.  With a whole host of others around us, we’ve been finding tremendous joy in our new creation. 

“Suddenly, an angel of the Lord appeared among them, and the radiance of the Lord’s glory surrounded them. They were terrified, but the angel reassured them. “Don’t be afraid!” he said. “I bring you good news that will bring great joy to all people. The Savior—yes, the Messiah, the Lord—has been born today in Bethlehem, the city of David! And you will recognize him by this sign: You will find a baby wrapped snugly in strips of cloth, lying in a manger.”

Suddenly, the angel was joined by a vast host of others—the armies of heaven—praising God and saying,

“Glory to God in the highest heaven,

    and peace on earth to those with whom God is pleased.”

Luke 2:9-14 NLT


Hannah & Mikayla 

Mikayla and Hannah.jpeg

Mikayla is a fourth-year French Communications major at the prestigious Glendon Campus, York University and absolutely adores her program. Mikayla loves everything to do with film and media and hopes to one day pursue her dream as a Producer and Director. She loves to speak and inspire young people everywhere she goes and does so with a smile.  Mikayla is also the Communications Manager for Exousia Media Group and EMG Education. 

Hannah is currently working with l’Arche Toronto, a community of adults with different abilities, and studying toward becoming a paramedic. She is passionate about seeing vulnerable girls empowered and in fruitful community. She is the Director of Brave Global’s new leadership development program called the Brave Leadership Academy, check out more info at! Launches January 2021.


TRUE Peace this Advent Season


TRUE Love this Advent Season