TRUE Love this Advent Season

by Frances Kim


It was January of 2018, only a few months after my mom passed away that I found myself in Chiang Mai, Thailand at a gathering of global workers from all over Asia. I felt both heavy hearted and hopeful.  

It was during a time of loss and grieving on the other side of the world, that the Lord stirred my heart with a message on oneness that remains with me as we approach Advent during a year unlike any other we’ve collectively experienced.

In the Scriptures, John 17 describes Jesus’ prayer for us as his children that we would be one – as He is one with the Father – and be brought to complete unity.  And that by our oneness in Him, the world may know Jesus and His great love for all.

As we approach the season set apart for expectant waiting and reflection and marked by joyous celebration of the birth of our Lord and Saviour, two stories come to mind of God’s gracious interventions in my own life that point to His redeeming and restoring love transforming our world, starting from within our own hearts and homes.

When I was 9 years old, my family was split apart by an abusive situation with my dad.  We lived in a women’s shelter for a period of one month before moving out on our own.  I came home from school one day, and without thinking - picked up the phone and dialed home.  God invaded our broken home and used me and that one simple act to change the course of our family’s lives toward one of reconciliation, forgiveness and restoration over many hard years.

I didn’t recognize it at the time, but it was God’s initiative reflecting His original heart of oneness from the first family in the garden of Eden, to now.

About 15 years ago, I attended my first Christian leadership conference - a 10 hour drive straight to Chicago.  When I arrived, I was struck by the magnitude and scale of what I saw and experienced.  But, it wasn’t what was spoken from the big stage that changed my life. 

Instead, God invaded my heart through the tiny break-out session led by a woman who spoke about balancing life and ministry. 

What in the world did I know about balancing life and ministry as a young, single 20-something? Beyond the content of what she spoke, I was gripped by her introduction.  She introduced herself, then her husband of 30 years, then their 3 grown kids who all knew the Lord, loved him and were serving out His kingdom purposes.  I remember whispering under my breath, “Lord, I want that!” And I began to dream.  I’ve just celebrated my 11 years of marriage to an incredible, humble man of God who loves Jesus and is devoted to serving and building up His bride.  We have two young children whom we’re committed to training up in His ways. Not only did my vision for the church expand, but God increased my vision for my own family that was completely different than the one I grew up in.

As I reflect on these instances, and countless others over the years that He has faithfully led me and our family  through, I am filled with gratitude that Christ used the local church as a place of hope, healing and restoration, and am in awe that I now serve the global church, promoting meaningful missional engagement for a new generation rising.

What are the unique places and spaces that God has you presently in? Where is His handiwork reflected in your life and your circumstances, pointing to His love for you, His purpose in and through you to arise and shine bright in a dimly lit world?

May we live as daughters of the King, awakened to the truth of who we are and the connections that bind us together as one, that the world may know Jesus, and His powerful, life-changing love. 

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Frances is a second-generation Korean-Canadian who serves as Director of Envision (, a start-up initiative focused on emerging leaders. Prior to Envision, she served on the pastoral staff of her local church and has also worked in Executive Recruitment. Frances studied Business and Psychology at WLU and has goals of completing her Masters. Frances and her husband Randy have two children. 


TRUE Joy this Advent Season


TRUE Hope this Advent Season