Women of Change

by: Fola Adelugba


I’ve been learning about what it means to see yourself in a story and how that expands what you think is possible for yourself in the world. Lately I’ve been focusing on finding the stories of women in the Bible and thinking through what I can learn from these Daughters of Scripture to expand my worldview.

There are so many instances where women are integral parts of the Gospel story.

Women are faithful to support Jesus even until the cross (Mark 15:40-41).

Women finance the ministry of Jesus (Luke 8:2-3).

Women are first to proclaim the resurrected Gospel (John 20:17-18).

But, today I want to zoom in on my latest revelation of women in the Bible, which is: women are catalysts for change. 

I know for me, especially lately, it’s easy to look at the world and think nothing can change. But when I look heavenward, I’m reminded that God is merciful and desires equality on earth and lasting change which He brings through his Daughters over and over again in the Word. 

Numbers 27:1-8

In this passage the heroes of our story are five sisters, Mahlah, Noah, Hoglah, Milcah, and Tirzah. These sisters approach Moses, and other spiritual leaders, in the house of God and ask for a change in the law, a brave, uncommon, and scandalous act. (vs.1)

This was their dilemma:

“Our father [Zelophehad] died in the desert. He was not a part of Korah’s followers who joined forces against the Lord. He died for his own sin and left no sons. 

Why should our father’s name be allowed to die out in his family because he had no son? Give us property among our father’s relatives.”

The sisters knew their father was a good man in a culture where property represented familial lines, but without any sons their family line would not continue. The sisters wanted their father’s name to continue and to share in his inheritance, but to do that they would need a claim to their father’s estate.

Despite the law being clear on the patriarchal nature of property transfer, Moses took the sisters’ petition to God. 

“ and [God] said to [Moses],  Zelophehad’s daughters are right.

You must give them property of their own among their father’s relatives. Turn their father’s property over to them.

“Tell the Israelites: If a man dies and leaves no sons, turn his property over to his daughters.”

The sisters’ petition was heard!  The sisters would have a claim to their father’s estate!

Their petition was heard by our ever-loving God and things changed! The law changed not just for the sisters but for every woman who would come after them. These sisters became catalysts for change on the earth.


Sisters in Christ!

Take note of this! This is not boring realty law; this is a story of a God who is not afraid of going against culture to move on behalf of his Daughters.

When I look at this story, I’m reminded that women calling for systemic change is not a new trend.

Change is doctrine.

Change is Gospel.

Change is groundbreaking.

This means that as women, as Sisters in Christ, we know we are called to take our desires to a God who changes circumstances, overthrows order and shatters glass ceilings. Together we can walk in the confidence that there is a God in heaven who desires a place for all his daughters to walk freely and equally on earth.

I see so evidently that the role of women is to bring change and I’m so excited to get to do that in my world. I can see myself in the story of Mahlah, Noah, Hoglah, Milcah, and Tirzah and I hope you do too.

Fola Adelugba is a student lawyer in Saskatchewan. She uses her love for advocacy as a volunteer with Inspire Our Nation, where she helps to bring the gospel and mental wellness to youth across Canada. She spends her free time drinking coffee and roller-skating.

Find her online @fola.adelugba.


To Our Mothers


To Listen is to Love and to Learn