Motivation Monday – How To Keep Your Faith From Crumbling

Scripture is the revelation of God designed to permeate every fibre of your being with unchanging truth. But what you do with it is up to you.
— Cathie Ostapchuk

We shouldn’t be surprised when some days it feels like our faith is crumbling in the face of continuing uncertainty in the world.

What to believe? Who to believe? 

Instead of increasing worry about what might be, refocus your sight on what already is – and that is the unchanging truth of God’s word, and the promises found in it. This will build your faith and keep it from crumbling. 

I want to encourage you from this passage from 1 Corinthians 16:13-14 from The Message:

“Keep your eyes open, hold tight to your convictions, give it all you’ve got, be resolute, and love without stopping.”

Keep Your Eyes Open

Where your eyes are focused will determine the state of your soul. Believe that there is an unseen but more real story than any found in the newspapers or on social media, that is unfolding in heaven right now. Set your mind and the eyes of your heart on things above. Believing what you can’t see now, but you will see beyond all doubt someday when it is revealed, will keep hope burning in your soul. 

Hold Tight to Your Convictions

Scripture is the revelation of God designed to permeate every fibre of your being with unchanging truth. But what you do with it is up to you.

You must trust it.

You must study it.

You must use it.

You must delight in it.

You must obey it.

Give It All You’ve Got

It’s easy to give up. I know it! Giving it all you’ve got each day doesn’t mean doing more. It means committing to growing more in the fruits of the spirit, in love, in perseverance.

Be Resolute

Don’t be distracted by all of the things others are doing, or by their successes. Focus on what God has called you to and consider it a privilege to offer your unique gifts to Him. That will mean resolutely focusing on the one road that unfolds ahead of you.

Love Without Stopping

A pandemic doesn’t give any of us a pass on not loving those that we don’t agree with. There are conversations happening that are causing disagreement in relationships that previously were on solid ground. Keep loving. Don’t stop.

God sees us and often is not in agreement with choices we are making, or when we are settling for comfort over impact, yet He does not stop loving us. It is His love that calls us to repentance and transformation.

Please join us at Gather Rise 2021 - BELIEVE (REGISTER HERE) and join with us as we gather and BELIEVE together that the word of God is unchanging truth and Jesus is still the best and only hope for the world!

It’s time to believe again. It’s that simple!

I believe in you!



Motivation Monday – When All You Really Need Is To Believe


Motivation Monday – The Simple Act Of Believing