Motivation Monday – The Simple Act Of Believing

Regardless of how big the giants may look in our lives, regardless of how high or wide the obstacle may be, regardless of how low the valleys in our lives may be, we need to remember that is “nothing is impossible for God” and nothing is impossible for them that believe.
— Cathie Ostapchuk

It’s my nature to complicate things that really are quite simple. I overthink, over-worry, over-fret and overact when the overwhelm of my situation threatens to overtake my life.

I very rarely ‘over-believe’!  {Is that even a thing?}

In Mark 9:23 (Amplified version): Jesus said to him (a man in the crowd you had brought his son possessed by an evil spirit), “[You say to Me,] ‘If You can?’ All things are possible for the one who believes and trusts [in Me]!”

For Jesus, it’s a done deal. Once we say we believe and trust, we actually must believe and trust.

You only act out of what you believe to be true.

You will never stop micro-managing, over-controlling, or worrying about, the details of your life unless you believe there is Someone who can direct your life better than you can.

So if you say you believe that God loves you and can be trusted with your life, the overwhelm of carrying it on your own will cease being a threat. It’s that simple.

If you could only believe that with God all things are possible,

all things will be possible for you, because nothing is impossible for Him.

Scripture declares that God is able to do all things. The question that we all must answer in every circumstance or situation that may seem impossible in our lives is, "do we believe that with God all things are possible?"  

We can accomplish the impossible through Christ Jesus. Philippians 4:13 says: “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.”

Regardless of how big the giants may look in our lives, regardless of how high or wide the obstacle may be, regardless of how low the valleys in our lives may be, we need to remember that is "nothing is impossible for God" and nothing is impossible for them that believe.        

After having suffered 12 long years with an issue of blood the woman said to herself, “If I may just touch His garment, I shall be healed.”

I identify with this hemorrhaging woman whose story we read in Luke 8:43-48. I come to Jesus, scared to look at him, knowing I am leaking worry and anxiety about my future, the state of the world, my weak faith and doubt, everywhere. But He turns and sees me and knows exactly that it is the thing that I do not believe I have enough of that will be the hinge to my healing: my belief that He and only He, can make me new and whole.

There were 2 things that happened after this woman spoke these words of faith.

-       Jesus felt her touch of faith and responded with these words: “Daughter, be of good comfort. Your faith has made you well.” 

-       The woman was healed instantly.

What impossible situation are you willing to believe God for today? Jesus Himself declares that if you will only believe, you can receive the impossible even today. Maybe the impossible for you is just to get through the day. Maybe the impossible is believing that you will see Jesus in glory even if you cannot see what He is working now in your circumstance.

If you’re like me, you are so used to look at all that is going on around you in the world and feeling like so much has been lost. Everything that was possible before, seems like ten times the effort now.

You forget that nothing has changed for God, even if it has changed for you.

He has, and always will be, the God of the impossible. 

If you could only believe on today, you WILL see the impossible.

Perhaps it’s time to believe again.  

Now, more than ever, you need to be reminded that the God who gives you the gift of a new day with each sunrise, is the God who merits your full belief, day in and day out, no matter what is going on in the world.

Maybe it’s time to get in a room with God’s daughters (virtually or in person) and believe together that He still has plans to use you to serve His kingdom.

Please join us at Gather Risen 2021 - BELIEVE (Register Here) and join with us as we gather and BELIEVE together that Jesus is still the best and only hope for the world!

It’s time to believe again. It’s that simple!

I believe in you!



Motivation Monday – How To Keep Your Faith From Crumbling


Motivation Monday – When It's Only Jesus