Living an Intentional Lifetime of Mondays

“The world will not slow down long enough just so you can get your life going
in the direction it was meant to go.” Cathie Ostapchuk


Annie Dillard said: “How we spend our days is, of course, how we spend our lives. What we do with this hour, and that one, is what we are doing.”

Every Monday we come to you with purpose-filled words to encourage you, inspire you, offer you a ‘how’ to your why, and guide you always to the centre of all truth: the Person of Jesus, the powerful word of Scripture, and the eternal purpose of God.

What you choose to receive, fill your mind with and fill your hours doing on your Mondays and every day in between, will determine the intention and direction of your life.

Many of us have chosen to give ourselves a break because we are in the middle of a pandemic, not to mention all the other never-ending global catastrophes that fill the headlines in any 24 hour period.  And so we tell ourselves that we will set our goals, our dreams, and our strategy to achieve them, back on course when the crisis is over.


We are living in a world that is moving at a hyPerbolic speed of critical change.

Nothing will ever be the same.

The world will not slow down long enough just so you can get your life
going in the direction it was meant to go.


Rather, you must seize the moment, the day, every Monday,  to take your life back and create an infrastructure that will ensure your vessel is strong and resilient enough to not only ride the tidal waves but reach your final destination intact. 

Are you living life on purpose, pro-actively with intention? Or are you living life, reactively, by accident?

Here is one Do and one Don’t:

·      Do live your life with intentionality.

·      Don’t live your life accidentally.

Paul’s words from the book of Philippians have been a game changer for me as he found himself imprisoned in a jail he didn’t create. And yet in that space, where he had little control of his outward circumstance, he intentionally believed that the purpose and direction of not only his life but the life of the church was to flourish until the gospel was preached everywhere.  His imprisonment was not an excuse to just wait it out until things got better. Rather, he got his game on and used the time to set direction and purpose and vision with his letters to the church, each word hitting its mark with intentionality.

His words from Philippians 4:13 hit the mark for each of us right now in the middle of our life of Mondays: “I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus.”

Being intentional with building the strong infrastructure of your life can be it is a peace and a haven set into the wreck of time; it can be a lifeboat on which you find yourself, decades later, still living. Don’t live by accident. You have a lifetime of Mondays ahead of you. Be intentional. Set your goals. Don’t stop dreaming.

 I believe in you!



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