The Power of Insight and Foresight

The only thing worse than being blind is having sight but no vision.”
— Helen Keller

During the pandemic I have been reading sometimes for escape, but mostly for inspiration, for guidance, and for wisdom on how to live beyond the current situation. As a coach, I work with many who need to see the possibilities in their life to overcome the restrictions that keep them stuck. 


I am reading wisdom from the lives of those who have experienced challenging and limiting circumstances but who determined to let their lives speak life, momentum and vitality into a tired world needing encouragement. 


One of those amazing warriors is Helen Keller, who became blind and deaf at age 19.

Here are her profound words: “The only thing worse than being blind is having sight but no vision.”


What are the eyes of your heart focused on?


I admit that there are two things that I am committed to reading daily without fail. One is the New York Times Morning Brief and the other is daily Bible reading. 

The words I give weight to and allow to guide my daily choices is what will determine whether I live in fear or with hope and confidence.


What are the eyes of your heart focused on?

Focusing on the realities of everyday life

will escalate your fear levels.

Focusing on the Resource of hope will bring

equanimity to your soul.


What are the eyes of your heart focused on?  The truth is – you get to choose. 

Equanimity means mental calmness, composure, and evenness of temper, especially in a difficult situation. It means being able to accept both the good and the bad without fear.

It means being able to smile at the future. 


Proverbs 31:25 (The Voice) tells us that this possibility exists! “She is clothed in strength and dignity, with nothing to fear, she smiles when she thinks about the future.”


Do you have both sight and vision?

Consider yourself blessed.


Isaiah 44:18 reminds us of how the eyes of our hearts can be blind to truth and to vision.

“They know nothing, they understand nothing; their eyes are plastered over so they cannot see,
 and their minds closed so they cannot understand.”


Track the daily realities of the news if you must. But don’t let it blind you and steal your peace. Look up! Refocus your gaze on the Ruler of the universe to see the greater vision and eternal purpose that is being forged in the middle of your reality.

Helen Keller’s physical blindness allowed greater insight and foresight to be developed in the eyes of her heart and mind. 

Close your eyes to all that appears to limit the possibilities in the current circumstance.  

Open your eyes to all that becomes possible when you know that God controls not only the past, the present, but also your future. 

Hope in God ensures you have access to both insight for your present and foresight for your future. 

May your choices reflect your hopes, not your fears. 


I believe in you!




Why You Need To Awaken Your Heart


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