Three Things Not to Forget While Social Distancing

Now is not the time to socially distance from God.
— Cathie Ostapchuk

I have had days where I have been unsure what season I am in. As things slowly open up in terms of how many people can be in my bubble, and how many can gather in social distancing, I live in the middle of an ever present threat of a pandemic for which there is no quick fix. I wonder if I will fully experience the freedom to go deeper with current friendships in person or widen my network of community face to face.


The surprise of finding that there is a space inside that feels lonely, even while being surrounded by screens and virtual conversations and within my small bubble of people, is a bit of an ‘aha’ moment. 


What am I missing? Who am I missing? As I reflect, I grow to understand that the source of isolation could be that it has felt like God has been doing a bit of social distancing on His own. He seems a bit farther away since all my previous activity that affirmed and made visible His work in my life, ministry and social spheres, came to a stop. 


Reimagining connections with people also had me wresting to reimagine my connection with God as He was still doing His best work in me but in the dark. I was so used to seeing it show up in the light!


How about you? Have you found that much of what and who you found your joy and energy in has shifted in the way it shows up in your ordinary day? Where have you found more of God or less of God than you had thought? 


Now is not the time to socially distance from God.

Now is a season to pursue God’s presence more than ever.


I’ve been spending time in the classics and have been inspired by the writings of Julian of Norwich, the first woman to ever write in English – shout-out to Julian!


Without all of the external chatter and activity, perhaps you need to remember that He has not ceased being everything to you in three important ways:

  • God is your Maker

God made you. We are reminded that we, as God’s creation, do not control the universe because only God, as Creator of all, is the only one that does. If He made you, He will be doing everything in His power to see that your purpose and destiny come to fullness, His plans for you are always in His mind.

  • God is your Lover

God loves you.  We know in our earthly relationships that love involves both joy and pain. Pain when we see those we love suffer but know it is for their good, and joy when we find delight in the others’ success. God delights with us and cries with us because He loves us.

  •  God is your Guardian

God cares for you. It is what He has chosen. He has never created you without intending to nurture you and watch over you until the end.


All of this work of God in your life has not ceased because of a pandemic, or a war, or any human suffering. In fact, 


God shows off best when He causes us to be transformed in the hardest seasons.


God is everything that is good and comforting and helpful to you. He is your clothing that enwraps you and enfolds you, embraces you, and wholly encloses you, surrounding you out of tender love, so that He can never leave you. 


God is, and will always be, everything that is good.


Romans 8:35

“Who could ever separate us from the endless love of God’s Anointed One? Absolutely no one! For nothing in the universe has the power to diminish his love toward us. Troubles, pressures, and problems are unable to come between us and heaven’s love. What about persecutions, deprivations, dangers, and death threats? No, for they are all impotent to hinder omnipotent love.”


You are loved,





Three Reasons to Get Ready for the Future