Motivation Monday - What You Need to Fight Your Giants

Don’t look around for someone else to fight the giants that are placed in front of you. You didn’t choose them. But they are your opportunities. Slay your giants. 
— Cathie Ostapchuk

I have been in a battle lately. A battle to not get discouraged when dreams die or expectations turn to disappointment. Most days I am contending for health and strength and perseverance in the face of adversity. Most days, as the Holy Spirit ministers to my soul, I breathe a sigh of relief when I am reminded of the truth that not only do I not have to be appear perfect for others, I can link arms with my sisters and embrace the solidarity of our shared experience of feeling, quite frankly, battered in the battle. None of us should be surprised that we need to be battle-ready, no matter when, no matter what.

Daily I must make a focused commitment to contend for:

  • Not taking offense when others do not meet my expectations or unknowingly hurt me

  • Not defaulting to a poverty or isolation mindset when people turn their back on me or walk away from my mission or vision

  • The sharing of the gospel to those God places in my path through kindness

  • Asking the Father for more of the Holy Spirit to help, guide and direct me

  • The salvation of family members

  • A healthy self – spiritually, mentally, emotionally and physically

  • Doing all within my strength to build this movement called Gather

  • The discipline to pray for the women coast to coast who are themselves feeling battered in the fray of trying to be all the things with little or no fuel in their engines

Here is what contending really means is to: compete, challenge, vie, contest. strive, struggle, tussle, grapple, wrestle, scuffle, squabble, skirmish, battle, combat, fight, war, wage war, join battle, cross swords, lock horns, go head to head. oppose, clash.

The best example of the full meaning of this word is David facing Goliath which we read about in 1 Samuel 17. Undeterred by Saul’s protests that he was unsuited for the battle with Goliath, verse 34 says, ‘but David persisted.’ 

David didn’t choose the battle, but when faced with it, he stood in the middle of it. 

He contended for the win in the face of adversity. 

And so can you.

David saw another way. 

David saw this giant as an opportunity and not a threat. 

And so can you.

We can all say of 2020, 2021 and even 2022 with all its’ unrest:   “I didn’t choose you.” 

But in the middle of all that has come against you and all you didn’t choose, 

 you can contend for the opportunities that have arisen because of your giant.

Don’t give up. Here are two principles that will keep you positioned to fight your giants. 

  1. Stop comparing yourself to your giant. You will always come up lacking. Instead, begin comparing your giant to Jesus. “Greater is He that is in you, than He that is in the world’ (I John 4:4), begins to take on new meaning now.

  2. Understand that without fighting your giant, you will not be able to grow your capacity. You are always stronger after the battle. You are always faster after the race. You learn that with the right weapon, the head of your giant can fall. And the weapon is the call on your life. God has already placed in you what you need to contend for the battle.

You will not know what is in you until there is a giant in front of you.

Your giant did not create you. 

Your giant did not call you. 

Your giant did not destine you. 

God did.

So if He has created, called, and destined you to overcome, you are positioned to face and fight the giant rising up against you. 

Jesus has already contended for and won the battles of any giant you will face, because He faced death itself and had victory. His victory is your victory. 

Romans 8:37:  “No, in all these things we are more than conquerors through him who loved us”
Jesus contended for you in the face of the biggest battle ever waged against him and the most formidable giant ever to stand against Him. 

Stay in the battle. Contend for all God has called you to. Speak for it. We still have room for you to join the Gather Voices 2022 Cohort – to be equipped to speak your truth (GATHER VOICES DETAILS HERE) Maybe this is your time to find your confident voice. Stand up for it, suffer for it. Don’t lie down in the face of a shadow because of fear. Choose faith over facts, because faith always sees another way. 

Don’t look around for someone else to fight the giants that are placed in front of you. You didn’t choose them. But they are your opportunities. Slay your giants. 

There is something new on the horizon. A new awakening and awareness of your birthright gifts and the call the Holy Spirit has been stirring in you. Registration for Gather Rise – GENESIS – kicks off in a few days. Make plans to join us in Calgary November 4 & 5 to experience a reawakening to the Genesis moments God has planned for you. 

I believe in you!



Motivation Monday - Why You Need A Genesis Moment


Motivation Monday - What You Need to Believe About Seeds Buried in Sorrow