Motivation Monday - Why You Need A Genesis Moment

A genesis moment in which God’s voice is heard above all rhetoric, despair, false hope and cancelled plans. A genesis moment in which the promise of life trumps inflation, wars and rumours of wars and discouragement.  A genesis moment that sets our hope on what is possible with God, instead of focusing on all we have lost.
— Cathie Ostapchuk

“At first the earth lacked shape and was totally empty, and a dark fog draped over the deep while God’s spirit-wind hovered over the surface of the empty waters. Then there was the voice of God.” (Genesis 1:2 The Voice)

Out of nowhere, time, space, and all the living whirl forth as God speaks the universe into existence. With the utterance of His voice, creation takes form, chaos yields to order, light eclipses darkness, and emptiness fills with life. 

 A few years ago we would nod in wonder at this stunning creation story, and think ‘that was then, this is now.’ Today, in 2022, I read this description of the earth before the voice of God, and all I can think is: ‘that was then, that is also now’.

Have you, like me, found yourself waking daily to a world draped in a dark fog, chaotic in its ever-changing reality, filled with darkness, filled with people designed for community but becoming increasingly isolated? 

The world is crying out for a Voice louder than the daily news to speak life into its’ center.

The world needs a genesis moment now more than ever.

You need a genesis moment now than ever.

A genesis moment in which God’s voice is heard above all rhetoric, despair, false hope and cancelled plans. A genesis moment in which the promise of life trumps inflation, wars and rumours of wars and discouragement.  A genesis moment that sets our hope on what is possible with God, instead of focusing on all we have lost.

His plans and purposes cannot be thwarted by a pandemic and a world gone crazy. His plan for you is still secure and steadfast and He has not left His throne. He is committed to seeing your story through to the end. He is coming for you to bring you home with Him – to a new story, a new creation, a new place of union with Him forever. His love has never waned in its’ fervour or passion for you, no matter what is going on in the world.

This is your invitation to join us November 4-5 in Calgary for Gather Rise GENESIS to dream about what God promises to call to life after chaos. 


God promises to resurrect dreams that died. God promises to reawaken His Church, and position itself welcome back those that once walked through its’ doors, and to invite the lost to find Him.  God promises to bring order and beauty after chaos and futility and anxiety and fear left their indelible imprint on so many living souls. 

This is when God does His best work. This is when God rises in His perfect love and speaks a word so uniquely His that the world can hear it if they want to. His voice has never stopped speaking, “Let there be light! Let there be life! What once was empty and void will be filled with the living!”

This is your Genesis moment. 

The time is here to live again. 

To love again. 

To rejoice again. 

And to gather again.

We desire to create the space for you, His daughters, half the church, to hear His voice again in a fresh way. We desire to create the space for you to hear God call you up to a future filled with promises fulfilled and His presence forever certain.

We want you in the room with us. To believe again. To see again with fresh eyes the stunning power of God to transform all that was dead and call it to life. To be part of a Church reawakened and recommissioned as the Bride of Christ hearing His voice that beckons it to Himself in renewed relationship.

When the world grew quiet and chaos took hold, we dreamt of a new beginning.

A new light shining through the darkness

A voice inside each of us longing to be heard

Talents, ideas, gifts, dreams, sisters, daughters, fully alive!

The Church in all her glory shaping a new beginning!

A genesis moment. And then another. And another…

Gather with us. This is the time for your genesis moment.

I believe in you!



Motivation Monday - Why It's Time To Find Your Voice


Motivation Monday - What You Need to Fight Your Giants