Motivation Monday – When It's Only Jesus

This is the time to believe. He is everything and more when you have run out of options, out of hope and forgotten that He is still the lifter and lover of your soul.
— Cathie Ostapchuk

When Anne Graham Lotz created the opportunity for twenty-seven plus Just Give Me Jesus revivals all over the world, including Toronto, she always included her version of this powerful prayer delivered in 1976 by Dr. S. M. Lockridge (1913-2000) entitled “That’s My King”.

Anne Graham Lotz took his idea and some of his very phrases and wrote her description of Jesus entitled ‘Just Give Me Jesus’

I am amazed at the speed of what changes nearly every day, including how we gather, the news we listen to, the books we read, our friendships, our work life, our family dynamics, and our emotions about the trauma from continuing to live through a pandemic.  I find myself asking, ‘what can I hang on to that has not changed?’

Of course, the answer is Jesus. When I co-chaired the Just Give Me Jesus revival in Toronto and heard Anne speak these words (of which I have included a part below) from the platform, I was undone. There is no one like Jesus! 

I have been thinking of all of the ways I have pivoted and pleased and performed and plateaued and pleaded in order to both hang on to what I know, and also to keep up with all that I can’t know in this changing and issue-charged world.

These stunning words declaring the nature of Jesus set me squarely back in the middle of unchanging truth. I want to share them here because I can’t think of anything else that will encourage you more today, in this cultural moment.

He is enduringly strong. He is entirely sincere.
He is eternally steadfast, He is immortally gracious.
He is imperially powerful. He is impartially merciful.
He is the greatest phenomenon that has ever crossed the horizons of the globe.

He is God’s Son. He is the sinner’s Savior.
He is the captive’s Ransom. He is the Breath of Life.
He is the centerpiece of civilization

He stands in the solitude of Himself.

 He is august and he is unique. He is unparalleled and He is unprecedented.
He is undisputed and He is undefiled.
He is unsurpassed and He is unshakable.

No means of measure can define His limitless love…
No far-seeing telescope can bring into visibility the coastline of His shoreless supply…
No barrier can hinder Him from pouring out of His blessings…
He forgives and He forgets. He creates and He cleanses.
He restores and He rebuilds. He heals and He helps.
He reconciles and He redeems. He comforts and He carries.
He lifts and He loves.
He is the God of the second chance,
the fat chance,
the slim chance,
He still the God of the impossible when there is no chance…
That’s My King! Just give me Jesus!

He discharges the debtors, He delivers the captives.
He defends the feeble. He blesses the young.
He serves the unfortunate. He regards the aged.
He rewards the diligent. He beautifies the meek.
He is the key to knowledge. He is the wellspring of wisdom,
He is the foundation of faith. He is the doorway of deliverance.
He is the pathway to peace. He is the roadway to righteousness.
He is the gateway to glory. He is the highway to happiness.
Just give me Jesus! 

He supplies strength to the weary. He increases power to the faint.
He offers escape to the tempted. He sympathizes with the hurting.
He saves the hopeless. He shields the helpless.
He sustains the homeless.

He gives purpose to the aimless. He gives reason to the meaningless.
He gives fulfillment to our emptiness. He gives light in the darkness.
He gives comfort in our loneliness. He gives fruit in our barrenness.
He gives heaven to the hopeless. He gives life to the lifeless.
That’s My King! Just give me Jesus!
He guards the young. He seeks the stray.
He finds the lost. He guides the faithful.
He rights the wrongs. He avenges the abused.
He defends the weak. He comforts the oppressed.

He welcomes the prodigal. He heals the sick.
He cleanses the dirty. He beautifies the barren.
He blesses the poor. He fills the empty.
He clothes the naked. He satisfies the hungry.
He elevates the humble. He forgives the sinner.

This is the time to believe. He is everything and more when you have run out of options, out of hope and forgotten that He is still the lifter and lover of your soul.

Would you find your way to Gather Rise November 20 (REGISTER HERE) and join with us as we gather and BELIEVE together that Jesus is still the best and only hope for the world! 

I believe in you!



Motivation Monday – The Simple Act Of Believing


Motivation Monday – Why Gratitude Cannot Be Silent