Motivation Monday - Why Genesis Moments Come After The Middle

The pandemic ended so much for you without your permission and still endings are happening that you didn’t initiate. The end of certainty, of stability in the world, of economic freedom, of being able to trust leaders implicitly, and the the list goes on.
— Cathie Ostapchuk

A number of years back, I knew that it was time to move to a new community that more closely aligned with our church location, as well as the kids’ schools.  I initiated the move, and although it took some time for my husband to come around, once he agreed with me (wise man!), he was all in for the move.  It happened so quickly that we didn’t even need a for sale sign in our lawn and before I knew it, I was closing the door on our empty home while the rest of the crew went ahead to start unloading our belongings at the new house.

I got halfway there and pulled into a gas station and realized I wasn’t sure if I could make the journey from my old neighbourhood to my new one.  My husband called and asked where I was, and I replied, “I’m not coming!”  Eventually I did complete my journey to the new house, but the period between finishing my life at my previous home and really settling into life in my new home was longer than I anticipated.  My first thought was that I had made a horrible mistake.  I missed the colour of my old walls, the curve of the staircase, the breeze through the trees in the backyard.  I couldn’t see how my furniture could fit into my new home, and realized there would be much work ahead renovating to create the space that would feel like home. I was in transition and it was going to prove to be one of the most challenging seasons in my life.

What I didn’t realize was that although I had made an ending, I still needed to dismantle, or unpack my relationship to my previous home that I no longer owned, and the life I had made there.

I’m sure you have examples of necessary endings you’ve initiated and also endings you have experienced that have shocked you such as a spouse walking out the door, a prodigal child, or a cancer diagnosis. 

The pandemic ended so much for you without your permission and still endings are happening that you didn’t initiate. The end of certainty, of stability in the world, of economic freedom, of being able to trust leaders implicitly, and the the list goes on.

Have you considered that God is actively involved in your endings? 

Have you considered that by moving you into a middle place you don’t recognize, 

He may be asking you not to rush your way through this unknown terrain?

3 Characteristics of this middle are:

  • It’s a time of unknown – it can make you feel lost or stuck

  • It’s a time of preparation – you need time and space to prepare you appropriately for the time that is coming

  • It’s a time of transformation – you usually are not the same after spending time here searching your soul

Perhaps God is asking that you surrender to the knowledge 

that where you are is exactly where you need to be.

This land in between the ending and the new beginning usually forces you one way or another – back to Egypt, or ahead to the Promised Land.  Don’t be tempted to go back.  Instead, embrace that for you, when the time is right – the next direction will be forward.  

Genesis moments are often created out of a ‘middle’, 

a season of transition,

where you must cover the soul and let grace rise.

Sue Monk Kidd says this: “You must come to the place where there’s nothing to do but brood, as God brooded over the deep and pray and be still and trust that the holiness that ferments the galaxies is working in you too. Only wait.”

And perhaps God is saying to you in your middle:  “Be still, and know that I am God.” (Psalm 46:10)

I pray you mine the messy and beautiful treasures in your middle.  I believe that when the time is right – your new beginning will call you forward. Your genesis moment awaits. 

PS – This is your invitation in the middle to join us at Gather Rise November 4 & 5 in Calgary and together with the Canadian sisterhood, discover your genesis moment as you are connected, equipped and mobilized! We would love to see you there! REGISTER HERE TODAY!

You are loved!



Motivation Monday - You Are Approaching A Genesis Season


Motivation Monday - Why You Can't Worry About What Everyone Else Thinks