Motivation Monday - You Are Approaching A Genesis Season

He is the God who creates life out of nothing, who puts stars and the sun and the moon in place. He is the God who calls wandering souls to Himself with a love  of such gravitational force that He can keep us safely held until we see Him face to face.
— Cathie Ostapchuk

Today you woke up and realized that summer is officially behind you – and you are looking at the launch of a new season with a bit of anticipation and possibly a bit of trepidation. 

There’s something about the transition from summer to fall that always feels a little intense - full of mixed emotions and physical manifestations of change in creation.

This year in particular that transition is bringing additional layers of mid and post pandemic-related emotions – will things be better, or worse? How do we create the rhythms that will enable us to be confident in what lies ahead? How do you pull yourself together in a world that seems like it is continuing to fall apart?

Seasonal  transitions usually lasts a week or two and by now maybe you and I know to just let it BE. To expect it. And to respect it. 

This lesson is true for me for most life changes… and transitions… and growth - the anticipation is often harder than the actual change. But right now in this cultural moment, transitions are threatening to add to the insecurity we face around our identity, our calling, our place and role in this world.

So, for now – perhaps you and I can lean even more heavily on routines and daily rituals to help ground and calm us  [and remind us to be kind to ourselves and just stay in tune with what our bodies and minds need right now]. The daily ritual of time in God’s word and sharing your concerns with Him and praising Him for His constant presence is a non-negotiable. Do you agree?

As the season changes, what doesn’t change is to simply be intentional of where your time and energy are going. To stay focused on the things that truly matter to you, including those that inspire and light you up, no matter the weather or other transitions taking place around you [many of which are completely outside of your control]. To understand that God is the one who is still sustaining you and propelling you forward, despite the distractions that call you to lose your focus.

This season’s change is also a natural time to just check in with yourself too. To remind yourself of your big values in life, your intentions and goals, and how you want to feel and show up daily in your life. To go back to your core values and recommit to living them out in the new season ahead. To restate your personal mission or vision statement for kingdom service and renew your commitment to moving it forward a little every day.

You might be tempted to make super big goals as you see others on social media announcing launching of fall projects. But consider keeping your rhythm, your intentions, your commitment to developing what God has placed in you, steady and cadenced. Stay in the lane that is unfolding for you and you alone.

The best way to approach anything new is with confidence that the God who brought you to this new season is the same God who will take you through to the next one. And the one after that. 

I believe this new season, more than any that have come before it, is the time for God to reveal genesis revelations to you and to His Bride, the church. He wants to do a new thing. He wants to resurrect the things that have laid dead or dormant in your life, things that you have put on hold while the world seemed to be falling apart. He wants to reorder your rhythms. He wants to reawaken your purpose and passions in a world that has numbed itself by technology, cultural values and so much noise.

God wants to create a new thing in you right here, right now. 

Will this be your season to experience a genesis moment?

We are inviting you with everything we have to find your way to join us in Calgary, November 4-5 and experience Gather Rise: GENESIS. We want you to be in the room with women from across our nation to be reminded through worship and biblical teaching that God’s purposes cannot be thwarted and He is a God of the new. 

He is the God who creates life out of nothing, who puts stars and the sun and the moon in place. He is the God who calls wandering souls to Himself with a love  of such gravitational force that He can keep us safely held until we see Him face to face. You can join us by registering here:

God wants you to know Him and His purpose for you,

the opportunities that are waiting for you, 

in a new and fresh way because you have a commissioning on this earth to accomplish. 

The world needs you to be a living gospel revelation of the resurrected Christ,

speaking and loving with the power of the Holy Spirit in you,

who guides and illuminates your path.

God’s desire for you is to be healthy, whole, with your identity secure in Him.

Welcome to a new season! I can’t wait to see you walk with strength, courage and confidence right into it! Would you pray this prayer now, today, and every day until we meet you at Gather Rise in November! REGISTER HERE!!

Psalm 51:7 

God, make a fresh start in me,
shape a Genesis week from the chaos of my life

I believe in you!

You are loved!



Motivation Monday - A Prayer To Believe In Genesis Moments


Motivation Monday - Why Genesis Moments Come After The Middle