Motivation Monday – Why New Is Better Than Different

Every year we hope things will be different. But do we pray they will be new?
— Cathie Ostapchuk

I am getting used to typing the year 2022 instead of 2021. I am seeing how one number at the end of four can create a vast difference in how I look at the months ahead. 2021 looking forward, I felt I was still looking ahead to more of the same.

2022 looking forward seems to bring with it something different. For me, my prayer is that what 2022 brings will not only be different, it will be brand new.

“God, make a fresh start in me, shape a Genesis week from the chaos of my life.” Psalm 51:7

A fresh new thing is different than just a different thing.

We can change paths, change partners, change houses, change careers, but the core of who we are can remain unchanged. Just the landscape is different. Not new, different.

Every year we hope things will be different. But do we pray they will be new?

The only way to the new is by actively seeking Jesus and allowing Him to transform us.

God is not in the business of changing things up around us so we experience something different. God is in the business of making us new on the inside.

Would you choose in this new month of 2022 to make a lasting change by consistently drawing nearer to God through His Word?

The only path to the new, to the unimaginable, to all that our eyes have not seen, nor our ears have heard,is through God’s revelation to us through study of His word, prayer, and worship.

“Therefore if anyone is in Christ the new creation has come, the old has gone, the new is here!” 2 Corinthians 5:17

The new, not just the different, is in front of us! I pray that 2022 will be the year that you don’t feel the pressure to change and become someone different. Rather, I pray that you will become more of who you were already designed to be. And in that transformation, you find new ways of living, revealed to you by a God who is always seeking to transform you into His image.

I believe in you!


Motivation Monday - Why New is More than Another


Motivation Monday – Why You Can Believe In The Afterglow Of Advent