Motivation Monday - Why New is More than Another

We have been stuck so long in our old apathy and uncertainty that we shrink back in fear of new news, new restrictions, new limits, new rules. We have forgotten how to step forward into the new with fresh wonder.
— Cathie Ostapchuk

Yesterday morning I went on a 6K Sabbath hike.

Another morning, another hike.

And I started to think about what another morning means. Another distinct, separate, fresh opportunity – unlike anything that came before, morning.

I felt new wind blow in from the lake and through the trees. Fresh, new. Unlike any breeze that blew before it. Another fresh-breathed breeze, then
another. Each breath new. I saw fresh waves hit the lake’s shore. Each wave, different in impact, height,
and sound.
Another wave, then another. Each wave new.

I took one step after the other to reach my hiking goal. Each step was new, previously untaken until I put my foot down to ground. Another step and then another. Each step new.

Each step an arrival to someplace new.

I realized that I have taken this word, ‘new’, for granted. I’ve missed seeing the glory in another and the opportunity for all that can be experienced from an Eden-like perspective.

Genesis descends into our present
with each new day, word, task, look, and feel
of ever-new creation around us.

We have been stuck so long in our old apathy and uncertainty that we shrink back in fear of new news, new restrictions, new limits, new rules. We have forgotten how to step forward into the new with fresh wonder.

But what if we are missing all that is ever green and continuously unfolding in front of our eyes?

We are bearing witness to genesis moments every day, lavishly
displayed all around us in the new of each season, month, day, and

God publishes them as evidence that it is He and He alone that can create and recreate out of what was and out of nothing.
“God, make a fresh start in me, shape a Genesis week from the chaos of my life.” (Psalm 51:7)

All that is new is His for the creating and ours for the seeing and receiving.

The writer of Lamentations 2:22-23 declares:
“How enduring is God’s loyal love; the Eternal has inexhaustible compassion.Here they are, every morning, new! Your faithfulness, God, is as broad as the day.”

We think we are stuck in a groundhog reality. Day after day, one day after the other. We wake up every day, not daring to hope that we can move past this current reality or be raised from our imprisoning ruts of endless restrictions.

Scripture says different. God declares different. God’s ability to create new, genesis moments – not only out of the wreckage of the past and the pain of the present, but continuously, inexhaustibly into the promise of the future - is endless!!

One after another!

I pray you believe in the new, in what can and will be. I pray that you would place your trust deeper and deeper in the One who creates the first day, and another one and another one, until He comes to you today, and offers you inexhaustible compassion and unending faithfulness into your new

I believe in you!



Motivation Monday - Why the Gift of Disruption Trumps Interruption


Motivation Monday – Why New Is Better Than Different