Motivation Monday - Why The Voice You Listen To Matters

On the other side of everything, God waits for you. Listen to His voice above all the others. Even the silence speaks of His unseen yet constant presence – now and for eternity.

— Cathie Ostapchuk

Canadian winters can pack a punch. Where I was this past weekend was -29 degrees. Yikes. That’s cold.

As I made my way over cross-country trails, all I could hear was the sound of my own breath, the odd bird, the crunch of my feet on packed snow underneath fresh snowfall and…silence.

The silence literally stopped me dead in my tracks with its’ breathtaking command of the atmosphere – willing the blowing tree branches, the falling snow, the small scurrying wildlife – to stop from their motion and bend their will to the silence.

In the morning, I awoke in awe of the beautiful and powerful force that raises a blazing sun over a frozen lake. The hand of grace commands the same sun to cast its stunning amber glow as it descends over the same, still, icy lake.

All in silence. No blaring horns or shouts of proclamation. Yet experiencing such beauty coming through without a sound is more powerful and visceral than any amplified human voice.

I know there are thousands in my nation following the loudest roar – the voices of the disenfranchised, disillusioned, and those desperate for change.

What will bring in a new day? The loudest voices? Or the breath of God? He is silently secure and solemn in His solitude. He stands sure in the knowledge that the promises He has made and the plan He has set in motion on purpose will not be thwarted.

The truth is, I need more space, more time, more margin, now more than ever, to listen to that whisper of silent Hope in this emotionally charged world where polarized voices shout in defiance or defence of political systems that have taken the freedom to choose out of their hands.

I believe in freedom. And I believe that we can live free even in the most stringent and restricting environments. That is our legacy as human beings created in God’s image

I believe we always have the freedom to choose our response, no matter what is brought up on us without our consent.

I pray in the silence. I pray for wisdom for decision-makers.

I pray for grace and hope for all who have found their worlds upended without their permission.

I pray we will have hope to see beyond the present and believe all that is waiting on the other side of everything.

This is the time. Time to pray. Time to find your voice in prayer. Time to discern if those who have the loudest voices right now – voices you follow – align with all you believe to be true about the One who declared “I AM” and that was enough. 

Align all else you hear with His Word.

Everyone is trying to figure out what they will live for, or die for, in this current cultural moment. 

There is a greater story being written. A story of redemption. A story of deliverance.

On the other side of everything, God waits for you. Listen to His voice above all the others. Even the silence speaks of His unseen yet constant presence – now and for eternity.

2 Corinthians 4:17-18
We view our slight, short-lived troubles in the light of eternity. We see our difficulties as the substance that produces for us an eternal, weighty glory far beyond all comparison, because we don’t focus our attention on what is seen but on what is unseen. For what is seen is temporary, but the unseen realm is eternal.

When all the noise is deafening, may you breath this silent prayer to your Maker, who will come near to listen:

Psalm 51:7
“Lord, shape a Genesis {new} week out of the chaos of my life.”

I’m here, praying in the silence. And I pray for you where you are. 

God bless.

I believe in you!



Motivation Monday - Why Wisdom Matters Now More Than Ever


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