Motivation Monday - Why You Need To Get Serious About Resurrection Life

Would you act out of your belief that you are carrying Resurrection life in your soul – and believe you are an instrument of life and grace?
— Cathie Ostapchuk

Well hello Monday!

As I reflect on the events of the past weeks, I am asking, ‘what just happened?’ Another week of escalating war in the country of my
ancestors. Another week of a major Christian leader falling from grace.

Another week of being caught in limbo between pre-pandemic, current pandemic and future lifting of restrictions. Some think it’s over. Some think
we just don’t know yet. Some wonder how much longer the world can spinning out of control before it implodes.

All of it is true. The questions, the uncertainty, the shock that when you think things couldn’t get any worse, it does.

But then God. Have you been so focused looking around you, looking at the headlines, that you have forgotten that God is at work resurrecting things that are dying and bringing order to things that are spinning out of control?

When things are at their worst, God is at His best. Don’t be so distracted by looking around you
that you that you forget what God is doing in you.

God is upending the narrative you have already written about how things will turn out.

He is Victorious when you feel you are losing the battle.
He is the Light when you are lost in darkness.
He is Resurrection Life when you feel you are dying.

He is writing a different story than the one you see around you. The God story began when He spoke at the beginning of the Genesis revelation – “And God said, let there be light.” Everything God spoke came to be – and still is being held by His hand and His hand alone.

Perhaps it’s time to start believing that your destiny is for life, not death.
Perhaps it’s time to believe that the world might be falling apart, but God is putting you back together
Perhaps it’s time to get serious about believing that because you carry Resurrection life inside of you, you can carry life into dying and dead places.

Colossians 3: 1-2
So if you’re serious about living this new resurrection life with Christ,
act like it. Pursue the things over which Christ presides.
Don’t shuffle along, eyes to the ground, absorbed with the things right in front of you. Look up,
On your Mondays!
and be alert to what is going on around Christ—that’s where the action is.
See things from His perspective.
We know that you carry your people and the world in your heart. We know
you are carrying both pain and promise. Would you look up and see what is
going on around Christ – and see things from His perspective?

Would you act out of your belief that you are carrying Resurrection life in your soul – and believe you are an instrument of life and grace?

May God grant you, through the breath of His Spirit through you, and His resurrection power in you, to act like you believe it. The world is waiting for you to speak life-giving hope over it. Embrace life now. Speak life now. Live life now.

I believe in you.



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